Chapter 11

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"Your village is pretty." Xyla said.
"Thanks." Ruth replied.
"You know you are the light in my dark life." Xyla said softly.
And there was a silence between them. Ruth was looking at her and the feeling of love was awakening in boths heart.
"Ruth. You are really great but I can't choose. Leave me to my house, I am already late."
She started to move towards the car, and Ruth holded her arm.
"Why Xyla. Why can't you choose. Is there a problem."
"Leave my hand. It should be my decision."
He lefted her hand.
"Okay. I will make you love me. Till the end of your life."
"We will see. Now let's go."
They moved towards the car.

"What the f*cK. There is no clue." Lincoln shouted.
"I know I should go to Henry's house. Yeah. It's a great idea."
He was going to Henry's house and on the way, he stopped his car at the signal because signal was red. At that time he saw Clair. She was going somewhere. So, he stopped his car on a corner and started to follow.
"Where is she going. Does her father knows that she is going somewhere. But where is she going." Lincoln whispered.
He looked at his wrist watch, "it's already 6:00 cloak."Lincoln said.
Finally, Clair arrived at her destination. It was the graveyard.
"Why is she here." Lincoln said.
She stood Infront of a grave. "Hey mom. How are you. I miss you." She said. Lincoln was staring her. "Mom. I am sad." She said and started crying. "Mom, I want you. Mom." She was saying.
"Clair." Lincoln said and came forward.
She looked at him and wiped her tears.
"Are you following me." She asked.
"Actually, I saw you on the road."
"So you thought to follow me." She said.
"Listen. Its not like that."
"Who are you to follow me and I told you mind your own business."
"I will drop you home. You are not in your senses right now."
"You are saying I am crazy. Right."
"It's not what I meant."
"I have legs. I don't want your help."
She stood up and started to go out. Lincoln turned around and grabbed her arm.
"I said I will drop you. Don't you get that."
"Leave." She said.
"No. Let's go." Lincoln addressed. Pulled her into him. She settled in his car front seat.
"I hate you." She said.
"Hate me more. But I couldn't leave you here."
After some time, he reached Clair's house.
"We are here."
"Listen. Don't tell my father where I was."
"It's a request. If still you told my father. It will not be a problem." She said and lefted the car.
"What is the problem with this girl."

"We are here." Ruth said.
"Thanks." Xyla said.
"Hey Xyla, won't you call me to your house. I took care of you whole the time. Still can't you ask a cup of tea from me."
"Oh sorry Ruth. Would you like drink tea or juice or coffee." She asked.
"Pleasure is mine. Why not. But I like tea" He said and came out from his car. "Let's go." He said.
She was making tea and the door opened. Lincoln was home.
"Oh Xyla. Where were you from yesterday and why didn't you. Wait a minute, why is he here." Lincoln questioned.
"Bro, actually he was one who dropped me home. So I asked a cup of tea from him. In return of his favour to me."
"Okay. I will also drink tea."
"Hey Ruth. What's up."
"Nothing." Ruth replied.
"So tell me what do you want to do. Why aren't you doing any job."
"I do job."
"What do you do."
"I am a graphic designer."
"You tell where were you."
"I was busy in work."
"Tea." Xyla interrupted.
"Put it here and go." Lincoln said.

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