Chapter 24

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In a shooting pain, she moved her hand and rested it on to her head. Gently, she opened her eyes but everything was just unfocused. She still said "Where are you?"
Tuck tuck the voice of shoes started to follow in all the place. Lazily she tried to sit instead of lying but still everything was blur and that's why she shakes her head to make everything clear in her view. There the man came and settled Infront of her. She was looking and suddenly she knew who he was.
"Uncle." She said.
"You recognized me."
"Ruth's dad."
"You were behind everything."
"Now you know. But still a question is in my mind where were you when we killed your mother."
"Oh look your so miserable today. But you know you have to die because I don't want my son to marry you and I want to take revenge of my brother's blood."
"You know nothing. He was so miserable that time. Begging me to leave him but I stabbed him in heart where you shooted my mother."
"Shut up" he shouted and slapped her.
"As you had a question in your heart. I also have a question. Why did you killed my mother?"
"Hmm. Nice question. But did you replied to mine. No! So why should I reply to your question!"
"Actually the day.... When you killed her. I was there, hiding in the backseat."
"That's why. I didn't noticed you."
"Why did killed her?"
"It's a long story. But I will tell you because I want to fulfill your last wish."
She was looking at him. "When I was in college I was in love with your mother and she was in love with my best friend. I did everything to make her see my love but she ran away with friend. It was the most painful day for me. You know like my son he cries for you I also cried for your mother. I was finding them from I don't how many years at last I found them so I took my revenge and killed them." Tears were flowing down her face.

Lincoln reached home and found miles sitting on his door waiting for him. He looked up and saw both were there Ruth and Lincoln.
"Oh thank God." Miles said
"Why!" Lincoln asked.
"Actually I was waiting for you. Lincoln. After telling you we had to go to Ruth because I also was asked to bring him there. So it's good that you both are here."
"What do you want to say to us."
"Actually, Xyla she is the killer."
"What." Ruth shouted. "No you have a problem see Xyla can't do this. Tell him Lincoln."
Lincoln looked at him and said "actually he is right. I found this out today before he even told me."
"How did you found that out."
"I went to Xyla's room today and matched her hand writing with letter sended by the killer."
"But where is Xyla." Ruth asked again.
"Exactly that was the reason why I came here to tell you."
"Then tell." Lincoln asked
"Actually there is a last person she wanted to kill."
"I know that."
"But she doesn't remember the person's face. So she was finding that person but he found her out first."
"Means" Lincoln asked.
"I am telling, means he called her first and he asked her to meet him at a certain place."
"Where is that place?"
"That is the last building which is closed."
"Why didn't you stopped her?" Ruth asked
"I have a rule, I never stop the person who wants to go. Let them go."
"So what are we waiting for. We should go to save her." Lincoln said and went towards the car. "Come fast! You both."

"I will kill you!" Xyla said.
"First, you then me." He stood and went to pick his metal rod. He holded it tight and turned around. Xyla stabbed him in neck and he roared in pain. He felt on the floor.
"What do you thought. I was not in my senses. At first I wasn't but later I was."
"You.... Bitch."
"You loser."
"Stop it. I said stop it."
"Why don't you know, you have to earn the thing you love and my mother was not even a thing." She stabbed in his hand. He again roared. "I was waiting for so much years to kill you from my hands."
"Oh really." He hitted her head by rod. She also felt on the floor. "We will play fair. Okay I wasn't able to make her love me. That's why she ran away handling me to the police. I was in jail for 1 years how do you think. I should have forgotten her. I am glad that killed."
"You bastard." Tears were rolling down her cheeks. "I will kill you definitely. Today, as still she was my mother." She took her gun from her back pocket and pointed it on to him.
"Die." She shoots the gun.
The voice was heard till down side of building as Lincoln,Ruth and miles Heard it there.
"I think something bad have happened." Miles said.
"Shut up." Lincoln shouted and ran towards upwards.
As they reached on the top floor they saw Xyla was standing on the edge of the roof. Ruth saw his dad lying on the floor.
"Dad." He said and then looked at her. "Xyla."
"Xyla come down." Lincoln said.
"Don't come close or else I will jump."
"Don't do such things. Come down baby." Miles said.
"Xyla, i know why did you killed dad." Ruth said.
"Thanks. Ruth."
"Was this the reason you were rejecting me?"
"No, I didn't even knew the last person was your dad."
"I love you. Still, after knowing your secret. Still after you killed my dad. I will love you. Till the hell fire will reach me. I will love you until I will be burned in that fire and at that time still your name would be on my tongue."
"I also love you but I can't be with you. But remember one thing I will still be alive. Найди мен (Find me)"
She said and jumped from the roof.
"Xyla." Ruth shouted and went to hold her but he was late. He started to cry and shout her name but he couldn't do anything at that time.

After one year.

Ruth he was standing on Xyla's grave. "I am missing you. But I still don't know what did you said on that day when died. What did you meant. Listen, I have taken your cafe. As it was the thing you loved. I also love it the way you loved it. Now I have to go. Bye. I will come later."
He said and went back. He was walking in the street. There he looked, many beggars were sitting. They weren't having nice clothes still they were laughing like they were the happiest people's on this planet. So Ruth went to them.
"Uncle, can I sit here."
"Yes son. Come."
He settled with those beggars. Someone was giving a packet filled with food to everyone sitting there. She gave the packet to Ruth also and when he holded the packet. Hairs of the girl were flying from the air, as the air touched her hairs that was the feeling. He felt like Xyla was that person and the packet felt from his hands.
But Xyla died. Or she still alive?


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