Chapter 12

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"He needs to die." The killer said.

The next day, Xyla went to the door and picked a letter. It was for Lincoln.
"Lincoln, there letter for you." Xyla shouted.
"Coming." He came. "Where is it." He took it and learned It was from the killer. He opened it slowly and started reading
"Lincoln. I know you will find me but at that time when I would like to surrender. I also know that you know my next target. Yeah you are correct Mr Paul is my next target. Go do whatever you want to. I will kill him this week."
"Fu*k. I need to go Xyla." Lincoln shouted.
He ran towards his car and went away. He reached his office. "Guys find out where Paul lives." Lincoln shouted.
"Who is Paul."
"Sanjit's friend."
"Wait sir. Let us take his location out."
He waited for a few minutes.
"Sir he live on the west side of the town. I think it is in defence."
"Okay." He again ran away. He went to the west side. After reaching. He called his fellow's
"Hello. Send me his number."
He was able to get the number of Paul within 5 to 4 minutes and he called him.
"Hello." Paul said.
"Hello sir. I am from the detective team of the town. I am also dealing with your friends case. I am standing in the west side. Can you come out and tell me which is your house. I want to tell you something very important."
"Okay. Wait I am coming outside."
He hanged up. He came out and called Lincoln to his house. They both sitted in the hall.
"Sir would like to have tea or something."
"No. I want to tell you that your life is in danger."
"How. Is my life in danger."
"The person who killed your friends want to kill you now."
"Did you found the killer."
"No. Not yet. But I will definitely."
"Go. First find the criminal than come to me."
"Listen. But sir "
"I have no time in your third class talk. Go get out.."
"I don't want to hear.."
"Okay. As you wish."
Lincoln again went to his office. Everyone was working and he called everyone.
"Team. Listen Mr Paul is in danger. He is the next target. We need to give him a strong security to catch the killer."
"Okay sir. But how."
"I have a plan. Killer said he will kill him within this week. So it means, we have a chance to catch."
They all immediately started there work.
According to Lincoln's plan, two people's were standing outside of Paul's house. Te'o were watching him from the a far distance. He himself was directing from his home. He had a tight security around his house. No chance of the killer to enter the house of Paul.
"Bro, did you got any clues." Xyla said.
"Yeah. He will kill someone this week. So I am protecting the guy."
"Okay. Hope you get successful. I am going to sleep."
"Okay. I am going out."
It was a great night. He managed to protect Paul. But for how long will he be able to protect him. The next day, he was in his office and a letter came again. He open it.
("Lincoln. It's getting more and more interesting now.")
"He knows my plan. Damn it " Lincoln shouted.
"What the sh*t! Will he do now."
Again his security was doubled at night.
He was desperate to find him and miles came to meet him.
"Hey bro. Xyla asked me to buy a juice for you. As you are really busy nowadays. Right. So here the juice. Bye." Miles said.
"Thanks." Lincoln said. Miles went away. After drinking the juice, Lincoln felt really sleepy and he felt asleep. That was the time, he hacked Lincoln system.
"Hey guys. If you are hungry go get yourself something to eat." Killer said to the team.
"Are you sure sir."
"We were a bit hungry."
"Go get yourself some food. Don't die from hunger."
"Okay." The supervisor said. "Guys. Sir granted us the permission to eat. Let's go to the hotel."
They all lefted Paul's house, without any concern. As they lefted, it was the time for the killer to attack. As he was already waiting in the backyard.
"What will happen with you Paul." The killer said.

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