Chapter 14

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The next day, in the morning Lincoln waked up. As he stood his head was Aching, in a great irritation he realized he had a job to do.
He in a rush went towards Paul's house.

"Dad what are gonna make for breakfast." Clair said.
"What do you want baby."
"I want to eat pancakes."
"Okay, I will make pancakes for you."
"I am watching t.v."
"Firstly, go get the newspaper from the door."
"Okay." She said and hurried towards the door. When she opened the door, she screamed so loudly. Charlos was in the kitchen but when he heard the scream so he went towards the door. He was shocked to see a dead body hanging out of their door and blood tripping from the body on to the floor. At that time, he noticed his daughter had already fainted after seeing the body. After taking his daughter to the room. He called Lincoln.
"Hello." Lincoln said.
"Lincoln I think you should come to my place. Their is something very important here." Charlos said.
"What. Actually I am busy. I have to......."
"There is dead body on my door. My daughter fainted after seeing it."
"Shit. I am coming." He hanged up. And dashed in the direction of charlos's house.
He reached their after couple of minutes. His team also reached there. They were shocked to see the body of Paul hanging on doctor's door. Investigation beganed about the case.
"Hey! Doc please explain me what happened."
Lincoln said.
"As I said my daughter went to pick the newspaper and there she discovered the body and fainted."
"How is she now."
"She isn't fine. As she haven't woked up yet."
"Mr Lincoln. The officer is calling you." A man came and addressed this to Lincoln.
"I am coming. Excuse me doctor. I will talk to you after a while."
"Take your time." Charlos said.
Lincoln went to the officer. He was waiting for Lincoln in his office. When he reached, he asked "why did you called me sir."
"I wanted to tell what is happening. Why can't you catch the killer."
"Sir, I am trying."
"How the hell are you trying. You knew that the next target was Paul. So where in this world were you last night."
"Sir I was protecting Paul. But I don't know how I felt asleep last night."
"Oh really you don't know."
"Yes sir."
"So your team is saying, you granted them the permission so that they could go and eat dinner."
"No sir. I didn't said anything like this."
"So, who said this in your face."
"I don't know."
"Lincoln. You know, recently you have become so much irresponsible. You don't even do your job properly."
"Sir I am sorry."
"Don't be, because I have fired you "
"Sir but."
"No but. Please take your stuff and go."
"Okay." He said and went away. He didn't explained himself. But he was very upsate about his job because he loved his job. He was so sad then he realized about the doctor's daughter. He went to the doctor again.

"Where is Lincoln from yesterday." Xyla thought.
"Xyla you look beautiful today." Interrogated miles.
"Thanks." Xyla replied.
"What are you thinking."
"I am thinking about Lincoln. He is very busy recently."
"Oh, I see. Is that guy still following you."
"Which guy."
"The one, who gave you bouquet."
"Yes. He is very nice to me."
"Am I not nice to you."
"When did I said like this."
"So. Why do you just see me as friend."
"Miles I always thought of you as a friend."
"I don't know."
"Miles don't be sad."
"Why do you care."
"You were always a friend."
"Bye. I taking a leave today."
He said and lefted the shop. It was very disappointing for Xyla as he was always a friend and this day she losted her very precious friend.

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