Chapter 6

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So what was I thinking that Sanjit and Henry were friends I guess that maybe killer is same. But who. It's very confusing, shit. Lincoln thinking
"I am ready" Clair said.
"Oh! Thank god." Lincoln replied
"Actually, I am sorry that because of me you have to leave your business and....
"Okay leave that let's go" Lincoln addressed. And started to move towards his car and settled himself and started driving.
"You know I am in the university."
"Nice" Lincoln replied.
"I am 18. And I don't have any friends also and my daddy is my only friend."
"What is your age?"
"I am 29"
"Ohh. You're daddy's friend and my uncle."
"No, I am not your uncle"
"Okay but you are old also for respect i should call you uncle or else you will complain to my daddy."
"No I won't but if you once again called me uncle than I will definitely complain to your dad."
"You're rude. I don't like you, when will we reach"
"I don't want you to like me. Okay. We are here."
Angrily Clair opened the door and came out then she closed it really hard.
"Are you gonna break my car's door?" Lincoln asked
"No! I am sorry." Clair replied." Let's go." And she started running in the amusement park. Jumping around " it's so big, colourfull also, take my photo, hey hey.." went to Lincoln he was standing Infront of the door. "Hey, I was calling you why aren't you coming and what is your name."
" Lincoln! Go and enjoy I am standing here."
"No that's not gonna happen, you're gonna come with me..." Grabbed him by his arm. "Let's go..." She wasn't leaving his arm and she was pulling him to walk with her.
"I want candyfloss. Bring me one."
"Okay!" He went and bought candyfloss.
"I want to eat that to."
"What?? Okay let's go," standing there near the stall and she was eating." Why don't you have friends." Lincoln asked.
She stared him. "Why do you want to know."
"Just asking, if personal so don't tell me. I don't Mind." Lincoln replied.
"Yes! It is personal. And you should not get into my business." She replied seriously. Again she smiled "leave it you told my daddy that you will buy me a Ice-cream. Come let's buy it."
"Okay let's go." They were walking. After eating Ice-cream, she went on every ride and they came out from the park at 10:00. " Want to eat anything. Should we go for dinner." Lincoln asked.
"No! Let's go home. I am tried."
Reached her home. Saw Clair she was sleeping. Came out from the car and called Charlos.
"Hello" from Charlos's side.
"Hello, Charlos your daughter.."
"What happened to her."
"Nothing happened to her. Actually she slept in my car so where are you. Come and take her."
"I am in the hospital and maybe I won't come tonight because there is a investigation about a new case. So please take care of her tonight. She is scared to be alone."
"Okay!" He cutted the call. Saw her from outside the car and slowly was walking towards her, opened the door and her bag was on her lap. Firstly he picked the bag and took out the key from it. In her face there was always a pleasure smile that is seen most often in the faces of very sorrowful or very wise. But still I think why she wanders through the streets of town always alone and silent. He holded her hands very lightly and wrapped them across his shoulder and the other second she was in his arms, she was as light as feather and her beauty can't be compared with anything. Carrying her and entered her room. It was very clean and then lied her down. Settled himself on the chair and was watching her.

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