~Chapter 1~

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Hello! So yeah this is a first for me. I have written fanfiction before, but I have never published anything.  Anyway, this is just a thing that I am trying and we'll see where it goes. 


6:30 A.M., Monday

Sapnap awoke to the buzzing of his alarm from his bedside table. After letting it go on for a minute, he groggily silenced it, sat up, and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. After sitting in his bed waking up slowly, he grabbed his phone and hopped off his bed, walking over to his closet to get ready for school.

After some time, he settled on a flame-print sweatshirt and some black jeans. After a quick look in the mirror (fit check lol), sapnap made his way out of his room, grabbing his backpack from the back of his door in the process, and downstairs to the front door. He closed and locked the front door of his house with his key and started to walk over to the bus stop. 

7:00 A.M.

As the bus arrived, sapnap got his wallet out of his backpack and pulled out his bus pass to show the driver. As the driver shut the doors and started to drive off, sapanp made his way through the rows of kids to the back of the bus where his friend was waiting for him. 

"Hey dream" sapnap greeted

"Hey sap, whats going on" dream responded

"nothing much, just imagining the school will burn down so we can sleep in for the rest of the school year"

dream let out a long wheeze "if only"

As sapnap got settled down on his seat something caught his eye. Just a few rows in front of him, someone was wearing a jacket with a magenta hoodie. This was intriguing, as sapnap knew practically everyone who rode the bus and he has never seen anyone who had such a hoodie. He tried to lean over every which way to see if he could catch a glimpse of who this person was, but it was no use.

"dream, do you know who that is?" 

"what?" dream looked up to see who he was referring to

"oh, no idea. They got on at the stop before you, but no I have never seen them before"

Sapnap sat puzzled, "who is that??"

(Time skip to when they get to school)

As the bus came to a halt in front of the school, sapnap gathered his things quickly. He planned on trying to get ahead of this person, so that when they exited the bus he could see who it was. Alas, it was no use: the stranger was quickly lost in a sea of kids in a narrow isle trying to get out of the bus. When sapnap finally exited the bus, he looked around for the hooded stranger, but he could not find them. 

"you good bro?" dream said as he got off the bus next to sapnap

"I wanted to see if I could find that person I saw on the bus, but they literally vanished"

"Whelp, guess we will never know who this mystery person is" dream said with a small wheeze

"come on, we are gonna be late for school" dream said as he walked ahead

Sapnap started the follow dream, but still continued to look around for the mystery person he saw on the bus.

Pushing through the hoards of people, sapnap and dream made it to their music class. Sapanp was not the musical type, but it was a graduation requirement so he had to. Dream was always more musically inclined, and so they often collaborated on projects and in class. Sitting in their neighboring seats, sapnap and dream sat on their phones scrolling through social media until the bell rang. 

"Hola chicos and chicas, please take your seats. I have an important announcement" said their teacher as he walked in. As everyone took their seats, the teacher started class.

"Alright clase, as you should already know your song writing project starts today. You need to write a short piece of song and perform your piece at the school's karaoke night. You may chose to play an instrument if you like or just sing, but it must be an original song"

Sapnap raised his hand "Mr.quackity, can we pick our partners or are they assigned?" Sapnap was no Beethoven, and planned on partnering with dream for the project.

"Oh thank you for bringing that up, this is a solo project. Yeah, no collaborating with your amigos or anyone. This is all you guys" the class collectively started to sigh and talk amongst themselves as he said this.

"What?? How the hell am I supposed to do this by myself"sapnap though to himself, as now he had to come up with a song AND perform it all without his friends help. 

"Okay clase settle, settle. I still have one more announcement to make-" Mr.quackity was interrupted by the classroom door opening and one of the ladies from the front office stepping in. Sapnap watched as Mr. quackity made his way over to her and she whispered something to him and he nodded. As this happened, the lady ushered someone in....someone wearing a multicolored jacket with a prominent magenta hood. It was that person from the bus! Sapnap watched attentively as he was finally going to get a look at who the mystery person was. He was around his age, 5'6, with fluffy brown hair creeping from under his hood and blue eyes. He stood shyly with his hands in his hoodie pocket, looking around and at the floor.

"Clase, this is Karl. He is new to our school and he will be your new classmate. So I would like for everyone to make him feel welcome. Karl if you would step over to my desk I can catch you up on what we are on currently."

Sapnap gazed at the boy as he stood at the teachers desk. He was entranced by him, but he couldn't formulate why he felt this way. 

"He seems nice, maybe we can work with him and see whats up" dream suggested to sanap

"huh? oh yeah, that's a good idea" sapnap came back to reality

"Clase, I forgot to mention something: can I have your attention por favor" Mr. quackity said from his desk chair. Karl stood facing the class from in front of Mr.quackity's desk.

"Before I let you guys work, I must mention that our new friend here is fully aware if what is going on and can understand what you guys say to him, but he may not respond to you in a.... traditional way"

The class was silent and confused at this statement. Mr.quakity spoke again.

"What I mean to say is: Karl is mute, and does not talk"


Feel free to tell me what you think in the comments, and vote. Idk what it does, but yeah

Speechless (Karlnap)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن