~Chapter 4~

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Sapnap and karl entered the busy halls and headed over to the cafateria. As they entered, karl had a look around: there were circle tables scattered about the room, with the lunch line starting on the opposite wall.

"Come on, I see dream" sapnap nudged karl and walked over to dream, who was sitting at a table waving them over. Karl and sapnap walked over and sat down, setting there backpacks on the floor.

"So karl, how do you like the school so far?" dream started a conversation while picking up a taco

Karl looked at dream and gave a thumbs up and nodded. Sapnap laughed and took out his sack lunch, pulling out a classic pb+j. While sapnap was eating and dream was busy with his tacos, karl just sat there, looking around at the cafeteria. His eyes landed on a corner table where a bunch of boys sat, laughing and being rambunctious. After a minute, he recognized one of the voices: Jschaltt. They were laughing and yelling at each other. A pit started to form in karl's stomach as he had flashbacks from the bus. Suddenly, Jschaltt noticed that karl was staring, and he said something that prompted the others to look as well.

"Hey, where is your lunch?" sapnap asked, breaking him from his thoughts. Karl turned around to see sapnap looking at him.

Karl quickly rummaged through his back and realized he had forgotten his lunch at home. Instead, he pulled out his notebook, opening it to a clean page and was going back into his bag to find a pencil, but sapnap stopped him. 

"Wait, how about instead of paper, we just text. Here" sapnap pulled out a pen and took karls hand, writing his number on his palm.

"aaaaannnnnddd...there, now you can text when you want to say something. I also put dream's on their too"

Karl looked down at the numbers written in the center of his palm, then up and sapnap and smiled. He got out his phone, typed the numbers into a group and write out a message. Sapnap and dream synchronously got a notification on their phones, but sapnap was the one to open it up and see what the message said.

"I forgot my lunch at home again"

"Ah dam, I hate when that happens. No big deal, you can have some of mine" sapnap responded out loud, tearing off half of his pb+j and handing it to karl. Karl put his hand up and shook his head politely, but sapnap insisted. Karl took the small half from him and took a bite. The gooey texture was sweet and satisfying.

"Hey, do you guys want to come over after school? We can hang out and maybe play some video games?" dream offered.

"yeah, I'm down. what about you karl?" sapnap said, looking over at karl. Karl just shrugged and shook his head.

"sweet, we'll meet at the front of the school and walk to my house" 

With that, they finished their lunched just as the bell rang, signaling the end of the lunch period

(time skip to when they are walking to dreams house)

The three boys walked up to dreams front door and walked inside. As they walked in, they were greeted by a cat, meowing and rubbing against their legs. Karl's eyes widened and he got down to pet the cat, purring softly as he scratched her head.

"oh yeah, that's my cat patches, shes a lover" dream told Karl as he headed toward the living room. Karl stood up and followed as sapnap and dream walked into the spacious living room and sat down on the tan L-shaped couch.

Dream turned on the his xbox and T.V and handed sapnap and karl the extra controllers while the video game title flashed on the screen: Minecraft

(Time skip 3 hours into the game)

"hey guys I think I see a fortre---THERE'S A GHAST" dream yelled as he started to fight the mob.

"Oh crap, karl watch out" sapnap said, going to block a fire ball from hitting karl.

"I'm killing it....I'M ON FIRE, HELP MEEEEEEE. SAPNAP GIVE ME FOOD" dream demanded.

"I CAN'T, I gave it all to KARL, just run!" sapnap laughed.

Dream was burnt to a crisp

Dream sat staring at the death screen as sapnap started laughing.

"Bruh, why didn't you help me? I just lost all my stuff" dream said pouting

"Listen, I'm sorry. I was trying to help karl" sapnap managed to get out between laughs, leaning back on the couch trying to calm down.

Karl just sat there, looking at sapnap and dream smiling. Dream looked at him glaring, apparently still upset. Karl's smile fell a little.

Sapnap sat up, breaking their eye contact. "Oh crap, the street lights are on" sapnap looked out the window above dream, seeing the light from the street lamp outside the house. Karl and dream turned their heads to see out the window.

"I gotta get going, this was fun though. Come on Karl" sapnap stood up, leaving dream and karl on the couch, dream still looking over at karl with a resentful glare. Karl just sat there looking at dream, unsure of what to do. Karl slowly got up and walked to the front door as dream followed to the edge of the couch.

"Thanks dream, we'll see you tomorrow" sapnap said opening the front door

"yeah....no problem, see you tomorrow" dream said monotone, still standing in the edge of the couch looking off to the side.

Sapnap and karl walked out the front door, leaving dream alone in the house.

"I wouldn't have died if sapnap was helping me"

(Time skip to later that night/everyone at their respective houses)

Sapnap P.O.V

I was absorbed in homework when I head a notification sound from my phone. I pulled it out of my pocket and opened it to see who it was, 

Hey, can I ask you something?

It was karl, but it was a private message, not the group chat.

Yeah, sure, what's up?

Does dream hate me?

What? what are you talking about?

He seemed pretty upset bc you were 

helping me more than him

Whaaaat? naaah, he just doesn't like to lose. 

He's fine trust me

Sapnap put his phone down and did not give the matter a second thought. His thoughts soon replaced with the recollection of the events that day; he smiled to himself.

Karl P.O.V

I started at the messages with confliction. I wanted to believe him, but he didn't see the way dream looked at me....he looked so mad. I wanted to press, but I decided not to. Sapnap is my friend, and he wouldn't lie to me. I'm sure it's fine........yeah.


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