~Chapter 19~

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I OFFICIALLY REACHED 1,000 VIEWS!!!!!!! This means so much to me guys, I have also enjoyed reading your comments and hearing your thoughts/opinions/etc.

Thank you thank you THANK YOU :DD

With that said.....prepare to have your heart ripped out of your body by the chapter :)))


Sapnap P.O.V

"Jschlatt?" I was shocked: how long had he been standing there? What was he doing?

"That's my name, don't wear it out" he had venom laced in his voice

"What are you doing back here?"He is not a music or drama kid, so he is NOT allowed backstage

"I think the real question is what are you doing back here? Shouldn't you be with your real friend? I heard his song: not bad." 

I then noticed that dream's song had ended, but he had not come off stage yet? where was he?

"What are you talking about: My real friend?....where is dream?" the tension was thickening in the room.

"Don't worry about him. He'll be joining us very shortly" Jschlatt pushed off the all and walked slightly into the light of the backstage lights.

Dream P.O.V

"So long it's real......"

The crowd started to go crazy as the song played out to nothing. I was winded, but I felt alive: that was the best performance I have ever had!!! I looked out on the cheering crowd smiling.....until I saw him.

Punz was standing still in the center of the crowd: he was...smiling at me.

My smile faded: I had forgotten about the deal! Jschlatt was going to carry out his plan. I had to stop him. I quickly made my way off the stage keeping my eyes on punz, but as soon as I was behind the curtain I ran into ponk.

"sup" was all he said before grabbing me. I struggled to get out of his grasp, but he had my arms pinned at my sides.

"mmmmhmhmnnm STOP, NO...N---" as I was struggling, punz came up behind us and shoved what seemed like a bandanna in my mouth, muffling my screams. Ponk took the opportunity to pin my arms behind my back, immobilizing me completely.

"Shut UP...or you are gonna ruin the surprise" punz stood in front of me, smiling that malicious smile.

Surprise? No, no please. They do not deserve this...what are you doing!!??!?!

Sapnap P.O.V

I looked over at karl: he looked scared; he had backed up slightly when Jschlatt walked forward. Jschlatt stood about 5 feet from me.

"What do you want?" I tried to diffuse the situation

"I want to make things right: you see, your little "boyfriend" here, is actually a lying, using, manipulative son of a bitch." Jschlatt glared at karl, his hands in the pockets of his zipper jacket.

"You leave him out of this: this is between you and me" sapnap was fearful of what Jschlatt wanted to do, especially what he wanted with karl

"You know what, you are absolutely right! This actually has everything to do with you. You see, I wanted to get you back, but then I started to actually pity you, because I found out that this mute mut over here is actually taking you for a joyride. What was that question you had for karl? You asked him how he feels about you?"

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