~Chapter 9~

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Just to be clear: Dream lives the farthest from school, then karl, and sapnap lives the closest.

So it's like this: School---sapnap------karl-----dream

 ALSO, let it be assumed that all of their parents are at work during the day.


No One's P.O.V

Sapnap was almost home from dreams house, and the entire time his thoughts ran wild.

"Why is dream acting like this?" 

"Why won't he talk to me"

"Is he okay?"

"...is he off his meds or something?"

His thoughts were interrupted by a shuffuling noise behind him. He turned around and saw no one, but he got the feeling someone was watching him. Just as he was about turn back and continue walking someone suddenly tackled him from behind, knocking his back pack off of his shoulder and nearly knocking him over. He quickly turned to see who the stranger was and was surprised to find karl clinging to him for dear life. He was holding onto his arm looking straight down at the floor, panting and shaking and.....crying? Sapnap managed to pull karl off and grabbed him by the shoulders, karl still refusing to look up.

"Karl? Karl what happened?.....Karl is something wrong?" Sapnap asked, his concern growing as he got a good look at karl: His jeans were dirty with an especially dark spot on his left knee, and he was shaking uncontrollably. His t-shirt was covered in dirt as well.

"Karl?...." sapnap wanted something, anything from karl, but he continued to look down. Sapnap lifted a hand slowly and lifted up karls face to look at him: He had dried and fresh tears streaming down his cheeks. Scratches were scattered all around his face, some were bleeding a little and some were just skinned, along with more dirt. However, none of this was as bone chilling as the message written on karl's left cheek: 

I'll get you were it hurts, but where he bleeds.

Sapnap was furious: this was a new low, even for someone like Jschlatt. His anger rose as he continued to look at karl; he wanted to hunt down Jschlatt in that instant and kill him. Karl put his face in his hands and started to cry. Sapnap quickly composed himself: Kill Jschlatt later, help karl now. Sapnap pulled karl into a hug, holding him as he cried.

"It's okay karl, you're safe I got you. They can't get you. Come on....lets go" Sapnap let karl out of the hug, keeping one hand over his shoulder as they started to walk slowly. Karl was limping, his left leg was bent slightly.

"Let's go to my house. It's closer" Sapnap said as he guided karl through the neighborhood to his house. As they walked up to the porch, sapnap let go of karl to get his key out of his backpack, quickly unlocking and opening the front door. He dropped his backpack inside and went back out to help karl inside. As sapnap shut the door, he went and gave karl another hug. Karl wrapped his arms around sapnaps waist tightly, crying into his shoulder. Sapnap just stood there, holding him and stroking his hair until he calmed down. He let go of karl, taking the backpack off of him and picked up him bridal style and began to carry him upstairs to the bathroom.

As they entered the bathroom, sapnap turned on the light and set karl on the counter.

"Hang on, I have to get some stuff, don't move I'll be right back" Sapnap said as he left to get supplies to cleans karls wounds. 

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