~Chapter 11~

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The picture above is what the front of their school looks like; there is a small section of cement/sidewalk before the street where they get on/off the bus that leads to the doors


_-_-_Monday, 5:55 A.M_-_-_

No One's P.O.V

Dream walked through the cold breeze up to the school. He had the hood of his green jacket up and black ripped jean's. He walked with purpose to the front of the school: not a soul was around, and won't be for another hour or so. He checked the time on his phone: 5:59

Couldn't this guy have picked a later time...geez

He stood facing the street looking up and down the sidewalk for anybody. He looked at his phone: 6:00. 


Just as dream was going to walk away, he was grabbed by his arms by two unknown people. He tried to see who they were but they had black hoods on. He started to scream but as silenced by a hand covering his mouth. They dragged him around the corner of the building: out of view from the street. The masked men threw him on the ground: he turned over to see ponk and punz standing over him, Jschlatt leaning against the wall in front of him.

"HEY HEY Woah guys, is that anyway to treat someone?" Jschlatt said somewhat sarcastically

"Jschlatt? YOU are the guy that sent the letter?" dream was shocked and confused. Why in the world would Jschlatt help him, or anyone at all!?!?!

"AH so you DID get my letter, perfect. So about that deal-" Jschlatt was cut off

"Since when do you help people? You know what: I don't care. You are nothing but trouble. Forget this I'm leaving" dream got up and dusted himself off and started to walk back to the front of the school.

"Have it your way...... I guess this means karl wins then" Jschlatt called out to dream. Dream stopped, and turned around.

"What do you mean karl wins?"

"Well it seemed to me that karl has caused a certian discord in your life. He seems to have driven a wedge between you and sanap. I mean think about it: you guys have been friends for such a long time, but then he comes in and it is like you barely know each other. For Christ sake the guy ditched you out right in the hallway after I tried to get rid of karl to help you"

Dream interrupted: "wha- how do you know that"

"I have my ways~" Jschlatt said, giving a devilish smile. He  pushed off the wall and walked around dream as he continued

"You wanna know what I think: I think they have been hanging out this weekend....and I'll bet you a thousand dollars that karl kept him quite entertained. While you were at home alone, when you needed your friends, where were they? Together. Without you. He was making sure that you were never a thought in sapnap's mind. He is erasing you bit. by. bit. Soon he won't even know your name. You'll be nothing. And the saddest part: sapnap to kind and nice to even see what is happening, he is helpless in that little tramp's silent suffocating grasp..."

Jschlatt stopped walking in front of dream. Dream was almost in tears: sapnap was the one person he had in the world, and he always feared of losing him.

"There is still hope you know? There is still time to save your friend" Jschatt spoke

"...Sapnap is just trying to help. Karl has struggles just like me, and when I needed sapnap he was always there for me. He is just doing the same for karl. That is just sapnap. Karl is my friend, and I--"

Speechless (Karlnap)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ