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Years in the future

Karl awoke to the sun pouring through the window. He opened his eyes and looked over his shoulder at the other side of the bed: it was empty, and had been for a long time.

He had a somber expression as he got up to sit on the side of the bed. He looked at the bedside table and looked at the picture sitting there: it was of him and sapnap when they were kids.

He smiled at the picture, then picked up his phone to check the time: 7 A.M, Saturday

Well: no need to change then

He slowly got out of bed and walked around to leave the room. As he left, he walked though the hallway: there were millions of pictures all over the walls: most of them were him, sapnap and dream when they were younger, but some were just sapnap and him.

He walked past all of them and into the living room/kitchen. He made his way over to the couch and sat down in the quiet space. It was only when he smelled something burning that he broke the silence.

"Your pancakes are burning dear" 

"OH SHI-" sapnap popped up from behind the island and rushed over to the stove to turn down the heat. Karl giggled at this reaction.

"I don't know why you get up so early just to make pancakes: you could at least wait until I get up. God knows I'm the only reason you don't burn the house down"

"You be quiet over there you" sapnap replied with a laugh

Karl sat on the couch listening to the pancakes sizzle on the pan as sapnap made sure they were a crisp golden brown, and for just a moment: he got deja vu.

"This is missing something" he said out loud, getting up and getting his phone out

"What? I got the bananas and syrup and everything? What else is there?" Sapnap replied as he put the first pancake on a plate and started to make the second one.

Karl put his phone down on the counter and tapped the screen before walking over to him. A familiar song filled the air:

(Corduroy Dreams by Rex orange county; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PW8rbV7HnfE )

Sapnap stopped what he was doing and looked over at karl: it had been years since he heard that song. Karl mimicked a curtsy and held out his hand. Sapnap smiled as he set the batter bowl down and turned the flame down low. He did a small bow, and took karl's hand as karl pulled him out into the living room. Sapnap took karl's left hand and put his right around his waist. They swayed slowly as the song played.

"I love this song, I remember when I first heard it" karl said, looking at sapnap

"Me too, I even know the exact date: August 26, 2020"

"Hun, that was our wedding day" karl replied with a laugh

"Oh, well it was our first dance" sapnap replied with a smile

"Don't you remember? That Saturday morning when we were in high school? It was so long ago.." 

Images of when they were kids and that Saturday morning flooded into sapnap's mind. That day meant so much to him. How could he forget?

"But it feels like it was only yesterday" sapnap kissed karl's forehead

"Those were crazy times. Oh, remember that project we had for music? I still remember your face when I was singing! You were at a loss for words"

Sapnap laughed in response as the memory of the song played in his mind.

"It took me, the mute, singing in front of the whole school, but I finally got you speechless" karl giggled as they paused in their dancing. Sapnap dipped karl slightly as the song came to an end.

"My dear, from the moment I met you: you had me speechless"


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