~Chapter 8~

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-_-_-Later that night-_-_-

Sapnap P.O.V

*Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice message system*

Dammit, that is the 7th time I have tried to call dream. Karl told me that the noise we heard in class was dream punching a locker, but I just couldn't believe it. I wanted to talk to him and figure out what was going on, really, but I think he is ignoring me. I hung up the phone and looked at the black screen, but a notification from karl broke me from my thoughts. 

Thursday, 10:40

Have you heard anything from dream?

No, I just called him again and he didn't pick up

This is all my fault, he is mad at me

I know it

What? No, he is just going through something right now.

I read the text message: I wasn't actually sure what was happening...it is unlike dream to ignore me like this.

I'm telling you, you didn't see the

 way he looked at me 

Listen, Idk what he is going through, but I promise 

it has nothing to do with us

I tried to think of why dream would have blown up today. He first got mad when he saw me and karl texting......shit

I scrolled up to see the messages from earlier today:

Karl, I think we need to talk...

Why? there is nothing to talk about...

What? No, there is...you don't understand


How the hell am I supposed to explain that Karl and I kissed by accident, but on purpose because I didn't stop him and that now I might have feelings for him!?!? What was I even supposed to think about it? Karl will not talk about it and dream has ignored me since I left him in the hallway. Maybe it was a mistake? Maybe he got a concussion and he was no in control of his actions? and he didn't mean it?

I hope he meant it

Karl P.O.V

I looked at the last text sent by sapnap; I wanted to believe it, I really did....but my gut told me that not even he knew what was going on.

I scrolled up to the conversation we had, the one at school, the one that probably made dream even more mad at me. I read the messages over and over: not even I knew what to say to him about the kiss. He probably thinks that I was just in a daze after having my ass kicked, that I didn't mean it

But I did....I did mean it, and I wanted to tell him

I wanted to tell him that I wanted to be in his arms, and him in mine. I wanted to tell him that I loved him, and that that kiss was absolute magic. I even want to tell him that I haven't washed his hoodie yet because I'm afraid if I do it won't smell like him anymore. I wanted to tell it all...but how do you say that to someone when you don't know how they feel? How do you even convey that when you are too scared to talk? How? HOW?! I put my head in my hands, upset at myself and confused about everything.

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