~Chapter 5~

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Gets a bit graphic here, so........just a fair warning....look out


Karl P.O.V

"dammit, where is it"

I've been rummaging through piles of clothes in my closet looking for my hoodie. After looking for a few minutes, I got up and walked to my desk to look at the time: 6:37. I'm gonna be late, guess I'm going without it. I picked up my phone and backpack from the floor and hurried out of the house to catch the bus. 

(Time skip to when he is getting on the bus)

Karl just barely made it to the bus stop as the bus was pulling up. He got on, flashing his ID on the back of his phone. He proceeded to walk to the seat he was used to sitting in, but then remembered that sapnap and dream usually sit in the back of the bus. He looked up at the back of the bus and saw dream, his head was down looking at his phone. He hesitated on walking back to sit next to him, as he still looked mad.

"Sapnap said he was fine...sapnap wouldn't lie" karl thought

He walked carefully to the back of the bus and sat a seat away from dream. 

"Hi" Dream said, not looking up, continuing to look at his phone

Karl just looked at him for a second, and then out the window as the bus started to move to the next stop, sapnaps stop. As they drove, raindrops started to hit the window.

"Ofcourse, the ONE day I don't have my hoodie" karl cursed to himself as the bus pulled into the last stop before school.

Sapnap hurried onto the bus, showing the driver his ID and taking off his hood. He had a pullover on: a white body with a little flame in the middle of it, while the sleeves and hood were black and black jeans with a chain.He made his way to the back of the bus and plopped down in the seat between karl and dream.

"dam it's cold outside. Lucky the bus came before I got soaked" sapnap said as he set his backpack down. 

"I know, apparently we are having a winter week. It's supposed to rain today and tomorrow" dream said, still looking at his phone.

"Oh really? crap. Wait, karl did you bring a jacket?" sapnap looked over and noticed that karl was missing his signature multicolored hoodie, dream also looked over. Karl just looked at them and shrugged. He pulled out his phone and texted the group. Sapnap pulled out his phone while dream just looked at his in his hand.

"I couldn't find it this morning and was running late"

"What? That blows" sapnap responded.

They sat in silence for a few minutes: dream looking at his phone, karl out the window, and sapnap just into space, before sapnap got an idea. He turned a light shade of pink.


Karl turned his attention from the window to look at sapnap

"Do you....wanna....borrow my hoodie?"

Karl was stunned...he did not know how to react to such an offer, so he just started wide eyed at his friend, turning a little pink in the process. He shrugged slightly as a response. Sapnap took that as a yes, and took off his hood and gave to to karl.

Karl held the hoodie in his lap: it was huge. He slowly slid the hoddie on, rolling up the sleeves so he could use his hands. It was so warm, and it smelled like sapnap. Karl felt a strange feeling come over him.

Quick Karl P.O.V

"Is this....weird? He is my friend. I mean...It's just a hoodie. And it's only because it's cold outside. He is just being a nice friend. It is just a kind gesture. This is fine....but it feels.....this feels different."

As the bus approached the school, karl started to take off the sweatshirt to give it back, but sapnap stopped him.

"Nah dude it's fine, I run hot anyway. Just take it" sapnap told him as he stood up and slung his backpack on his shoulder.

No One's P.O.V

The bus came up on the school and the trio exited the bus and made their way into the crowded hallways of the school. They walked in a line: sapnap being the middle man and dream and karl on either side. Dream leaned over to sapnap and told him something, causing sapnap to stop walking.

"Hey, dream and I have to run to our lockers. Ours are right next to eachother so we will be quick. Just meet us in front of Mr.quackity's room" sapnap said turning to karl

Karl nodded and with that dream and sapnap walked off in the opposite direction. Karl watched for a second, then continued to walk over to his locker. As he raised his hand to open to put in the combination, the sweatshirt sleeve rolled down, giving him an instant sweater paw. He was still wearing sapnaps hoodie: it was so warm and soft. Karl smiled to himself as he opened his locker. The moment was abruptly interrupted when his locker door was slammed shut, a hand on the upper portion. Karl jumped and looked to see Jschlatt leaning on the joining lockers.

"WELL, well WEEELLLL, lookie what he have here?" Jschlatt remarked

Karl stood unsure of what to do. He was alone. Jschlatt stood up, towering over karl, who's fear was growing by the second.

"I seem to remember we have unfinished business, don't we? We were so rudely interrupted last time."

Karl stood stiff, "Where are they" his back was pressed against the lockers

"As I recall, we--" Jschlatt stopped mid sentence, noticing what karl was wearing.

"Oh...what's this?I don't believe that belongs to you....does it?" Jschlatt eyed the sweatshirt, pinning karl against the lockers, his left hand on the wall.

Suddenly, schlatt slapped karl hard across the face. Karl winced, and put a hand on his stinging cheek. Jschlatt got close to karl's face

"What are you gonna do? huh? there is no one here to help you?" 

Karl just stood there, eyes closed and holding back tears as he continued to hold his cheek.

"That fact that you are a mute bone head was bad enough, but this......."

Jschaltt grabbed karls shoulders and kneed him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of karl. He was quickly thrown to the floor, gasping for breathe. His head began to bleed as the impact of the floor caused a cut on his forehead. Jschlatt stood over him, smirking as he looked at karl on the floor coughing.


An angry but familiar voice yelled as it came down the hallway. Jschaltt looked over, and karl raised his head slightly off the floor to look at how it was: Sapnap.


Do you prefer cold or hot weather?

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