~Chapter 15~

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Sapnap continued to avoid his friends for the rest of the day. He was mad that karl and dream had some secret  that they were not telling him and left him out, but he was also really anxious and concerned for karl: he hated to see his friends in pain, but karl was different. He knew by now his feelings were far beyond any kind of friendship: like he didn't just like karl a lot, he really loved him. He wanted to tell him to: he wanted to tell karl that he fallen and fallen hard for him, that he would do anything for him, and that his love was like none he had ever had before.

He left school as soon as the bell rang to avoid seeing dream or karl. He just wanted to go home and be alone. About halfway through his walk, he started to cool off. 

As he unlocked the door to his house, he heard his name being called 

"Sapnap! Hey WAIT!" it was dream, walking quickly to catch up to him

Sapnap quickly went into his house and locked the door as dream got to the front porch. He leaned his back against the door

"Sapnap open the door" dream pleaded


"Please...you don't understand"

"Oh I don't? Well you see it is kinda hard to understand something when your two best friends as hiding it from you !!!" he was just being sarcastic and petty now

"Sapnap, *sigh* I want to tell you, but it is not my information to share. Just know that karl was not mad or upset with you at all. He was just...scared" Dream was trying to choose his words carefully so he didn't out karl

Scared? sapnap stayed quiet

"We were not talking about you at all, it was something else completely I promise you"

"Then if it isn't bad, why couldn't he tell me?"

"He was afraid"

"Afraid of what? Me?" sap grew more concerned

"NO no...well....he was afraid of what you would think"

What I would think? Did something happen? Did Jschlatt do something?

"I just wanted to tell you that, and...I'm sorry if we hurt your feelings. I'll see you tomorrow" sapnap listened as dreams footsteps left the porch. He stood leaned against the door for a while, trying to rack his brain for what karl was hiding from him. 

Sapnap P.O.V

What could be so bad that karl would think he couldn't tell me? No matter how bad, I am sure it couldn't change how I felt about him. I know that I'll love him no matter what. He knows I love him...right?

Sapnap thought back to Saturday morning: He did tell karl how he felt, but maybe he wasn't clear? Maybe karl didn't get it? He replayed the day: he could see karl laying next to him in bed, and he remembered how karl's laugh was like the sweetest melody. The way karl hugged him, how light he felt in his arms as they danced. The taste of banana pancakes with maple syrup as they ate together. Even the way he got scared because he thought karl was leaving when he said he had to work on the song........the song

Sapnap got an idea. He quickly made his way upstairs and to his desk. He sat down and rummaged in his backpack for his notebook. He opened up to the page he wrote on Saturday and got out a pencil. Then he pulled out his phone and put on his morning playlist. As the music came on he got to writing. 


Karl walked onto the bus and made his way to the back and sat down next to dream. He quickly pulled out his phone and texted dream. Dream pulled out his phone:

"Is sapnap mad? I couldn't find him yesterday" karl barely slept last night he was so stressed

"I honestly don't know...he was really worried about you. I think that sent him over when you wouldn't tell him...you know"

Karl just looked at dream, then turned to face the window as the bus came to a stop. Sapnap hoped on and almost ran to the back of the bus. He basically crashed into his seat like a football player. Karl was unfazed, still looking out the window (he was tired, so he zoned out and wasn't aware of what was going on). Dream, who was looking at his phone, was startled by this:

"Jeez dude, you're gonna kill someone--" dream got interrupted

"Oh sorry, I got a little excited. Hey, you're still gonna help me with the song right?" sapnap had 'a kid on Christmas' energy.

"Uh...yeah?" dream was confused at why he was so happy.

"Okay..cool." then, like a light switch, the excitement dissipated. He turned over to karl, who was still looking out the window. He wanted to let karl know that he wasn't mad, and that he never was. He pulled out his phone and airpods (yes he boujee like dat) and played the song they danced to (Corduroy Dreams by Rex Orange County). He put one in and held the other one out for karl. Karl looked at it, then back out the window. Sapnap pulled his hand back for a minute, but then moved karls hair away with his free had and put the airpod in.

Karl raised his hand to take it out, but he stopped once he recognized the song. He slowly dropped his hand and sat up straighter. Sapnap smiled and they sat in silence listening to the song until they got to school. 

As they started to get up and leave the bus, karl handed the airpod back to sapnap. Sapnap smiled and took it. Karl then went and hugged him, reaching his arms up and around his neck. Sapnap returned the hug.

"I'm sorry for yesterday. I didn't mean to get mad" sapnap said quietly to karl

Karl pulled away from the hug and nodded, looking up at sapnap. Sapnap smiled and, before he turned to get off the bus, gave karl a kiss on the cheek.

Karl turned pink and smiled, following sapnap off the bus. Dream watched as they walked away; his smile faded. Jschlatt still had karl's notebook and planned on doing god knows what. What they had was special, and dream felt guilty for ever trying to tear them apart. He quickly collected himself and followed his friends off the bus.


Sorry that this is a little short: it is 2 am and if I don't stop here I will literally go one for another hour. I'll make tomorrow a longer one to make up.

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