~Chapter 20~

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Guess who is baaaaaaaack :). Okay: 102 votes and 1.8k views...guys...my heart is full! Just thank you x1000.

Okay, back to what you came for, Enjoy :D

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"JOHNATHON OMODAIOUS SCHLATT, UNHAND HIM AT ONCE!!!!!!!"

Jschlatt and dream turned to see Mr.Quackity standing in the doorway between the dance floor and the backstage area, furious. Jschlatt straightened up a little and took his hand off dreams throat.

"WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU" Mr.Q said sternly, causing ponk to drop dream on the floor. Dream collapsed on the floor, panting.

"WE made a deal teach, and he didn't hold up on his end" Jschatt said flatly as karl walked in, standing behind Mr.Q.

"Johnathon, this is the last straw. You know what the principal said: one more slip up and you are out of here."

"You think I give a shit? I never wanted to come to school anyway" Jschatt said sarcastically.

"Get out of here before I call the cops again schlatt." Mr.Q moved out of the way to the door as Jschlatt stored out, making sure to step on karl's notebook, which was still on the floor in front of sapnap.

"As for you, ponk and punz, go to the office. WE are going to have a chat when I get there" Mr.Q stood upset as ponk and punz walked away from dream and out the doors. After they had exited, Mr.Q walked over to dream and helped him up.

"Dream..dream, amigo are you okay" he asked concerned: he did not see any blood, but he could see discoloration forming on his cheek and nose. 

"Yeah..aaahhhe, I'm fine" dream was able to get to his feet. He held his stomach with one hand.

"Okay. Trust me, they will not get away with this. They will get proper punishment." Mr,Q reassured dream

"Thank you" dream winced a little and clutched his stomach

"No problem, amigo. I am going to do that right now, and also your song: muy bien!!" He said as he walked past karl and out the doors, leaving the three boys alone backstage. The person who went on after dream finished their song, and the next person was just starting.

Dream and karl looked at each other, and then at sapnap, who was still on the floor. Dream walked over and got down slowly next to him.

"Sapnap......listen, I am sorry that this happened. Jschlatt tricked me, and I was so blinded by jealousy I..I wasn't thinking straight. I was so afraid that I was going to lose you that...I made a mistake....and I am sorry. It's okay if you don't forgive me, but I want you to know that I am very sorry...........sapnap?"

Sapnap sat up and looked at the ceiling, taking a shakey breath, then over at dream. His eyes were red and glossy with tears. Dream's heart shattered.

"What you did, was really bad...but I am not mad at you" sapnap said flatly

"You're...not mad?" dream was confused. How tf are you not mad!??!

"No. I actually want to thank you. You succeeded in what you set out to do...you opened my eyes. I see now that I was just chasing a dream, living a fantasy that was not real." sapnap looked over at karl, who was standing by the door playing with his hands and looking at sapnap.

"Being manipulated by a monster.." sapnap said coldly. Karl's expression changed from concerned to heart broken. He covered his mouth with one hand and crossed the other over his chest, turning away.

"Wait no, sapnap: karl does not feel that way about you at al--"


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