~Chapter 10~

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_-_-_Saturday, 10 A.M_-_-_

Karl P.O.V

I woke up warm and rested. I layed in bed for a minute just resting my eyes waiting for the sun to come up through my window

Hm.....where is the sun? Is it still nighttime?"

I opened my eyes and was greeted with sapnap laying on the bed next to me. I was shocked


I sat up and looked around in a slight panic; I grabbed my phone from my pocket and started texting my mom

Mom I am so sorry I went to a friends house 

and I fell asleep I am alive

Hello dear. It's okay, your friend said 

that you guys would be working late on homework

I read the messages.

What did he tell her? Did he lie completely or did he say something else?

I started to mini panic and turned to sapnap and gently shook his shoulder. He stirred and looked up at me, still tired. I practically shoved my phone in his face, pointing at the conversation between me and my mom.

"What WHat?....Oh yeah, what about it? You fell asleep and she called you so I answered" he said, waking up more and propping himself up.

I typed something in the chat bubble but did not send it, then showed it to him again.

"What...did...you...tell...her? I just said that we were doing hwk" he said confused "Why?"

I typed more.

"Did you tell her about what happened? No I didn't tell her about what happened yesterday. Why did you want me to--" I cut him off by shacking my head and covering with mouth with my free hand. 

He looked at me like I lost my mind, but he didn't know my mom. I knew that of my mom found out that I was getting bullied and got beat up at school again she would make me transfer to another school. I didn't want another school, I wanted to stay with sapnap, so she could never find out.

I typed out a message to nick this time and sent it. He heard the notification from his phone, turning over to get it from the bedside table, then coming back to face me.

"If my mom finds out I'm being bullied she will make me transfer schools. You can't tell anyone about what happened" 

"What about dream? Can I tell him"

I sat thinking: not only do I think dream is fuming, but I think it would make him more mad that I keep getting sapnap involved with my problems. He was my friend and I wanted to tell him.....just not right now.

No. I do not want him to get involved. I already dragged you into this, I do not want to do the same to him

"Karl you did not drag me into anything. I wanted to help you. I would have gotten involved anyway: Jschlatt has been getting away with crap like that for too long" he responded looking at me. I nodded. Just then, my stomach grumbled a little.

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