~Chapter 6~

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Y'all...I just got my first vote. I have no idea what it does, but it means a lot, thank you! :)

This made me so excited that I made this chapter a long one, so enjoy :D


Sapnap was approaching with dream right behind him. Kids in the hallway started to gather slowly, looking from a distance or standing not far off.

"Or what?" Jschlatt turned to face sapnap, squared up.

"Or you'll regret it" sapnap stated firmly

"tch, you are one smart ass comment away from a dirt nap, bukko." 

"Well I'd rather be the smart ass than the jack ass" sannap said, looking Jschlatt up and down. A low 'ooooo' in unison could be heard from the surrounding kids.

"The fuck did you say to me?" Jshlatt said rhetorically

"Oh, I didn't realize you were a dumb ass too" Sapnap was getting cocky

Snickering could be heard from the kids watching. Jschlatt was getting flustered, but kept his cool.

"Who do you think you are? Huh? mister high and mighty?! Trying to make a fool out of me?" Jschaltt said, he was getting angry now.

Sapnap couldn't resist "Woah Woah, don't give me that.....after all, you became the fool all by yourself" sapnap said, barely stifling a laugh.

Jschlatt stood stone faced as some of the snickers turned into laughs. Jschlatt snarled at sapnap as he smirked proudly.

"This isn't over" schlatt said, pointing at sapnap. As he turned to leave, he didn't notice that karls leg was sticking out, and tripped over it. Landing flat on his back.

The hallways roared with laughter and Jschlatt sat up. Ponk and Punz soon rushed in to help him up. 

Sapnap walked a little closer to Jschlatt, getting down to his level on the ground, 

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's over" sapnap said snidely, scrunching his nose and smirking

That was the last straw. Jshlatt sprung up and yelled over the laughter,

"QUIEEEEEEEEEEEET", the hallway feel silent. Karl turned into a little ball on the floor, while sapnap and dream jumped slightly.

Jschlatt walked over to sapnap, getting right in front of his nose.

"You.....are gonna regret this. Cause I'm gonna get you, I'm gonna get you were it hurts...and bleeds" Jschlatt said practically growling. Sapnap stood still staring him down, taking in what he said.

"AYE, the bell has RUNG estudiantes, you are gonna be late for clase!" Mr.quakity came out of his room and shouted. "Come guys, let's go...get goin" he continued

As the kids started to disperse and walk to class, Jschlatt slowly turned and walked off, joined by ponk and punz. Dream walked up and joined his friend. 

As sapnap stood watching Jschlatt walking away, he heard a shuffling noise from the ground. He looked down quickly and noticed karl on the floor, slowly trying to get up.

"Oh my god karl are you okay!?!?" sapnap asked concerned, helping karl sit up, then to his feet.

Karl hung his head, looking at the floor with his back against the lockers. Dream reached a hand over and moved karl's hair slightly to the side, revealing an inch long cut on his forehead that he got when Jschlatt threw him. Dream then moved karl's face to the side to look at the red hand print on his cheek; he could clearly make out each finger, even the imprint of the ring Jshlatt wore on his middle finger.

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