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Hi there!

As much as I wish this was a story continuation, it is not 😔.

But even though this story came to an end, it still warms my heart see the votes and read the comments you guys leave on here. Thank you to each and everyone of you, from the bottom of my heart :,)

Okay now that all the mush is out of the way, I have some news

I am currently writing another karlnap book!

It's updates are a bit slower because school, but I will be posting like a whole chapter dump sometime tonight.

Feel free to go check it out: comment, vote, share, all that good stuff

You don't have to, but I thought I mention it to people who loved this one so much.

Again: thank you for all the love! And I am still active on this story even though it's over, so I still see the comments :))

Okay, that's my shpeal, bye bye 👋 👋

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