Penny for Your Thoughts

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I  will  trade  a  thought  for  a  penny if  my  rates  aren't  flat.

How many writers  will  profit from  work  when  they  go  to  bat?

You  see,  dinner  plans,  worries, and  stories  stand  hand-in-hand.

Which  idea does  a  saturated  market  deem  grand?

Would  you  pay for  your  mother's  sweet  lemonade?

Even when you're picking  fruit under  the  same  tree's  shade?

How do you decide upon the  value of  your  thoughts?

Consumers  have  no  problem dictating  lots.

Stumbling  upon  relevance  may  be  tricky; it  is  a  concern.

Everyone  has  a  name, but  credit's  often  hard  to  earn.

Pathways  become  slippery when standing atop  steep  uncertainty.

Audiences will  be  wary when dictating pay  proportionally.

Make  yourself  a  title holding  prominence  in  place.

People  prefer  pennies  to  dollars when  an  author  has  no  face.

If  dedication  and  perseverance grace  your  lifetime,  then  try,  try,  try.

Hope cannot guarantee success but  helps through  long  hours  when  we  struggle  to  get  by.

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