Life Frame

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How's  your  life  at  this  point  in  time?

Are  you living in a  picture  that's  sublime?

Or  are  the  colors  just  dull  and  dreary?

There's  beauty  in  the  first-person  story.

You  can  write  a  new  scene  in  theory.

But  life's  often  harder  than  poetry.

I know of depression and  psychiatry.


How's  the  weather  this  season  treating  you?

Is  the  heat  tiring,  does  it  make  you  blue?

Maybe  a  fresh  breeze  will  pass  right  on  by.

Directing you towards a  new  mind's  eye.

Perhaps  the  mailman  will  travel  through.

An  article  might  be  relevant  to  you.

How amazing  it would  be  to  have  new  shoes.

Maybe  you’ll  see  with  different  hues.


While  that  scenario  doesn't  seem  bland,

Have  you  ever  imagined  a  future  that's  grand?

What  was  the  peak  of  your  childhood  dreams?

Do  you  feel  stuck  within  reality's  rigid  seams?


How's  your  life  at  this  point  in  time?

Are  you living in a  picture  that's  sublime?

Or  are  the  colors  just  dull  and  dreary?

I  certainly  hope  you're  cheery.

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