In the Dark

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Some fish swim around the darkest depths of the sea. 

Adaptations give them different ways to see. 

Careful approaching seldom saw fathoms carefree. 

Hopefully, change grew alongside moments of glee. 

Should a sea creature approach you, there isn't a key. 

If lucky, there'll be a road on which you agree. 

Careful of the well-informed wanting a bent knee. 

Squeaky-clean insights can birth a dirty decree. 

Before your conclusions, I suggest you sight-see. 

Lighting a new path contrasts a structured fruit tree. 

Enjoy all that's laid out over a cup of tea. 

Now direct the lighted path for an apogee. 

Is that vision possible, does the fish agree? 

Darkness comes in other kinds; one's not kind to "we."

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