Home Run

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My window  framed  a  thrush  singing  out-loud.

The  bird's song was concentrated  and  proud.

All  other  sounds  fell  away  for  a  show.

The  small  creature  had  a  natural  flow.

After  a  while,  my  cat  noticed  and  pounced.

Feline  paws,  against  a  glass  window,  bounced.

Sighing I knew the  tune  would  have  to  end.

My cat  to  the  poor  songbird  did  offend.

I  remember  the  piece  being  pretty.

To  this  day,  I  still  feel  it's  a  pity.

Maybe  that  bird's  songs  are  heard  by  someone

—Though  it  would  be  nice  to  see  a  home  run.

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