
961 21 0

TW// paranoia, mention of hitting the head, being gone (?)

Characters that are included: Tommyinnit

Tommy's POV

Everything's ok. 

Or that's what I kept telling myself. 

Something's off..

Something's wrong..

I don't know what..

Something's just.. not right..

W-was that movement?..

Am I hallucinating?..

No that was definitely movement..

I think I hear it now..?


I opened my mouth to scream. 

No sound.

I tried to flail or move or fight back or something, anything!

No movement.

I tried to open my eyes..

No strength.

All I could see behind my eyelids were big red letters screaming 'Go to sleep! You need it!'. I quickly decided to fight back with all of my restraint. 

I can't go to sleep yet! I had to-.. I had to.. What.. what was I doing again? Actually come to think of it.. who.. who am I? What's my name..? I can't remember..?

What? Why can't I remember my own name?? What's happening? Why can't I-...

My thoughts were abruptly cut short by a movement in the dark, and all of a sudden I was pulled into a dark abyss, floating nicely in a pit of black. 

I couldn't think.

I couldn't move.

I couldn't see.

I couldn't hear.

I couldn't touch.

I couldn't smell.

I was quite literally just.. gone. 

220 words

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