Experimented!innit Pt. 5

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A/N I'm so sorry for forgetting to put a tw in my last part! It will be fixed by the time this is uploaded, and I will add one here. Again, sorry!

TW// I don't think there's any! Enjoy the fluff (there's a bit of angst at the bottom but whatever.)

Character's Included: Technoblade, Phil, Wilbur, Tommyinnit, Big Q, Tubbo, Sapnap. 

Tommy's POV 

It was black. 

That's the only thing that could really describe this familiar minds-cape.

It's just.. black. 

Until about 5 seconds later, where my corneas were familiarly scorched by the light, and well, in a cold room and... I bolted up. 

"Who the fuck are you?!" I questioned, calling inner fire and making it appear in my hands, aiming at the one closest to me, a pig... hybrid, I think? Then a word popped up in my head and I said it as fast as possible so I wouldn't forget. "B-brother." I blurted, the pig hybrid was shocked and I was equally shocked. Then memories flooded back, my memories. I looked to my left, where a person in a green outfit with grey wings stared eagerly at me. I blurted out another word I didn't recognize. "Phil." And then to 'Phil's' left, was a guy in a brown cape-thing and was wearing a beanie. "Wilby..?" I asked. This one I actually remembered fully, i had remembered him in the minds-cape. Wilbur's eyes filled with tears, and eventually spilled over but they had dried after 5 or so. 

"Hey, Tommy.. glad to see your back.." I looked around more then behind me I saw three people, out of the three, I recognized, one. "Big Q!" I exclaimed. Quackity's eyes filled to the brim with tears, and they spilled over fast. Never seeming to stop. "Uh.. Big Q your eyes are leaking.. a lot." He responded by quickly drying his tears on his sleeve. 

"Good to have you back Tommy.." Quackity replied, then I looked to his right and I blurted out 'Sapnap' his eyes turned only glassy, but gave a single nod. I looked to 'Sapnap's' right, and I saw someone I couldn't recognize. No words/names came into my head. No reminders. Nothing. 

"I.. can't recognize you.. who are you?" I asked. Maybe the name will spring up something. 

"President Tubbo." Sapnap answered. 

He seems important.

But then why can't I remember him? 

332 words (A/N sorry it's so short! But again, I may have to take a break because my motivation seems low today. Just a warning, not sure about it yet. But the next au is wing!innit.)

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