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TW// bad voices, emotional abuse, neglect, running away, lying

Character's Included: Tommyinnit, Philza/Dadza, Techno, Mention of Wilbur. 

Tommyinnit's POV ~The past~

(A/N: Tommy, 10 | Techno, 14 | Wilbur, 12 | Phil, 32)

"Hey, Dadza? I wanna show you something!" I exclaimed, as images of my opalescent wings fill my head. I could feel my lips twitch with a toothy smile, but I kept it as kind and pleading as possible. 

"Not now, Tommy. I promised Techno to teach him how to use a sword today," Dadza explained, his expression showing signs of pride, and no sign of guilt, sadness, or even sympathy. 

He doesn't care. Of course he doesn't care! Techno, has the ability to fight, and paint. Wilbur, has the ability to sing, and play the guitar. And what about you? Nothing. You have nothing special about you. You're just a runt, who's loud and annoys people. 

"O-oh. No, no that's ok! Uhm.. maybe later today?" I asked, feeling another spark of hope beginning to kindle inside of me. Only to be showered with dirt, and muddy water as soon as Dadza replied.

"I promised Wilbur to listen to his song, and then after that I have to go make a deal with Puffy and Sam. I'm busy for the whole week, no time right now, but maybe next week." The answer didn't come out as a question. Nor a promise. More of a.. rejection.  

Nobody cares, stop trying. Just give it up. 

"That's alright, it's not that important anyway. It was.. a short film. Yeah, a film about dogs. You've probably watched it already anyway," And with that, I ended the conversation and stepped back into my room. 


It's not like anybody cares anyway.

Just leave, nobody would be sad of your exit. Just. LEAVE. 

Maybe.. no, I'm POSITIVE the voices are right. I mean they were already right about one thing. Then they gave me advice.. and now their just giving me more advice! I grabbed a fairly large backpack. I piled 10 outfits in there, just basic stuff like shirts and pants, undergarments, 10 pairs of socks, an extra pair of sneakers, 5 water bottles, a blanket, a small pillow, tools (like a small axe, sword, and shovel A/N remember, this is minecraft :) ), I piled as many materials and food I could fit in the large backpack. I grabbed a pen and paper, and wrote a message. Signed it, and carefully placed it onto my bed. Then I hefted the weight of my backpack onto my back, adjusted the straps to fit on my shoulders, and slid open my window.

They don't care, just take the final step. 

Good thing my room's on the first floor. Then I stepped outside and ran into the forest. I ran and ran and ran, until my feet couldn't run anymore, I took a short break then ran more. I ran until all the signs of life, and light disappeared, I ran until all the memorable, places I've been to were long gone. I ran until all the recognizable landmarks like small creeks, and trees were gone. I ran until my feet, legs, and arms, ached with fatigue. I continued running. By the time the sun had set I had already chomped on a steak that I had quickly cooked on a small fire, and then put out, gathered all leftover material, and fled. It was at the dead of night. I didn't experience any mobs in a small area, probably far away from everyone, and decided to set up camp there. I gathered 3 logs, a flint and steel, and started a fire. I roasted apples, and ate them. It was quite peaceful out here. With my glimmering wings reflecting the night sky back at it freely, tasty roasted apples cooked upon an open fire, tall protective trees surrounding a peaceful plains. It was beautiful, and best of all, it was away from everyone. 

Philza's POV ~The Past~

Huh, kind of wonder what Tommy wanted to tell me.  Whatever, he's probably already given up, and continued on with his search. I walked outside and conversed with techno about the recent events.

"Dadza! I could've waited out here for a few more minutes! C'mon let's go look now," Techno replied with a twinge of anger wrapped tightly around the accusation, and honestly? I felt a little bad. No, I felt terrible. Did I really just tell Tommy I didn't have time for him? I quickly walked in far ahead of techno, and knocked on Tommy's door. 

No answer.

I began to worry, so I knocked again.

No answer.

"Tommy, open the door or I'm opening it for you."

No. Answer. 

Techno had caught up at that point and I barged into Tommy's room. The place was a mess! But.. where's Tommy? 

"Where's Tommy?" Techno demanded, looking heavily distressed. 

"I-I don't know this is the last place I saw him go to!" 

Then I saw it. And I'm pretty sure Techno saw it the exact same time I did. 

The window was wide open. 

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