Just Like You

167 7 1

Slime's POV


Wow! Quackity from Las Nevadas' scar is so cool! I want to be just like him!

I know! 

I walked into the kitchen, where Quackity from Las Nevadas was, and made sure to greet him.

"Hello Quackity from Las Nevadas!" 

"Hey slime!" I picked up the sharpest knife from the knife block, "what- what are you doing with that?" 

"You don't have to worry Quackity from Las Nevadas!" And it was true, he didn't have to worry. I was a slime, I may bleed, but I was a slime and nothing was worrying. I walked into the bathroom, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Quackity's face morph into.. horror? 

Quackity from Las Nevadas will be happy to see I'm just like him!

I looked in the mirror, rose the knife to one of my eyes, dug into the skin above my eye, then sliced downwards. Blood splattered onto the floor. I looked in the mirror, and saw blood dripping from the wound rapidly. 

I hope Quackity from Las Nevadas is happy that I'm like him!

I heard a knock at the door.

"Hey Slime, could you uhm.. c-could you open the door?" 


I opened the door to see him on the other side, and his face morphed into shocked terror.

"SLIME!" He saw the knife in my hand, "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT-" 

"Hey Quackity from Las Nevadas! I'm just like you! Are you proud of me?" 

"No. No, I'm not fucking proud of you, why the fuck did you- why- what- how- why did-" Quackity from Las Nevadas groaned, looking at my face with sadness. Tears-- at least I think they were tears-- trailed down his face.

"Quackity from Las Nevadas, you seem upset. Why?" 

"WHY? WHY AM I UPSET? SLIME, YOU- you- you..  don't ever do that again, ok? Ok slime?" 

"Oh? But I thought it was normal? I saw someone!" 

"Slime, but-.. wait, you saw someone?"

"Yeah! Tommy!"


"Yep! I walked in, and he was cutting himself with a knife on his wrist! He told me not to tell anyone, I don't know why though? Blood was everywhere! I offered to help clean it up, but he told me to get out." 

"S-slime I-" 

He wiped tears from his face.

"Let me- let me tell you a little story after I'm done cleaning you up.."

"Ok, Quackity from Las Nevadas!" 

Quackity's POV


"Yep! I walked in, and he was cutting himself with a knife on his wrist! He told me not to tell anyone, I don't know why though? Blood was everywhere! I offered to help clean it up, but he told me to get out." Slime exclaimed. Happy. How was Slime so happy explaining Tommy harming himself?

"S-slime I-" 

I need to tell him. I need to tell him about Tommy, I need him to tell me about Tommy. I want to help Tommy. I really do. 

>Tommyinnit angst oneshots;tg&Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin