Experimented!innit Pt. 4 1/2

350 13 16

TW//lots of tears-, sob, technoblade breaking down (seriously this is the saddest thing I've ever wrote), fire, mention of torture, mention of blood, mention of screams, mention of gun shots, mention of death, mention of murder, mention of memories being wiped, fainting

Characters Included: Tommyinnit/ #56, #37, Blazer/ #7, Sapnap, Dream, Tubbo, Technoblade, Philza, Wilbur (mention of Quackity sry Big Q-)

Blazer's (#7) POV

"Blazer! Go! I'll get #37, just go!" #56 called, I whirled my body around and gave him the most trustworthy smile I could muster before I turned around and bolted for a tree. 

I saw #37 and #56 running towards me. I noticed something.. are those.. golden sparkles? Then #56's face started growing different. Half of his face turned a bright fiery orange, whilst the other half turned black. His eyes grew pigmented until one eye was orange on the black side of his face, whilst the other was purple on the orange side of his face. His skin turned black, and his arms faded into orange. Like fire. His hair darkened to a dark black, with a single streak of red, orange, and yellow fire. #56 grew horns that matched the colours of his face. Then the golden sparkles subsided, and after the transformation I realized we weren't staring at the fires engulfing the lab anymore, and we were on an oak path. #56 had de-transformed and had fainted. I looked around, and spotted a bench where someone was sitting. Perfect!

"H-Hey! Hey you! Can you help me here??" I shouted, picking up #56's body bridal style "Please, help!"

The person turned around revealing small, black horns, nestled into his brunet hair. They gasped, "Y-yeah I'll get you help right away!"

Server: Techno?? I need your help ASAP! -tubbo

Server: What could you possibly need me for? Ugh, I'm omw.. -Technoblade

Server: Technoblade tp tubbo

"What do you wa-" The man looked at the person in my hands and I could swear I could see tears welling up. He went quite for a beat then finished with; "Come with me." 

"Ok.." I replied. "C'mon, #37 we gotta save #56" #37 barely nodded

Server: Technoblade blazer #37 #56 tp #########

When we were on the ground again my feet sank into the snow, I slung #56 over my shoulder. Then I melted the snow in a certain shape around me. The guy beside me grunted then turned to me.

"What did you do to my brother?!" He shouted, voice dripping with venom. "Answer me!" 

"I didn't do anything I swear! #56 just fainted from pushing himself too hard to save us!" I reassured, switching #56's position from on my shoulder to bridal style. "I never knew he had a brother.. I'll explain everything when he's safe..deal?"

He grunted, before growling out a 'Deal.' under his breath. It was a silent walk to a small cottage the rest of the way, and I silently gave the man his brother, careful not to break the silence or hurt him in any way shape or form. He laid #56 on the couch and poured a few bottles of liquid down his throat and propped him up. Then he sat down on a plush chair and took off his mask. 

"Speak." He ordered.

"It's a long stor-" 

"I've got time, and my little brother definitely has time too. So speak." he ordered again, but this time with more authority. 

"Ask your questions and I'll do my best to answer them." 

"Where was he the last 12 years..?" He asked, followed by a nearly silent sniff. 

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