Be Done With This Now and Just Jump Off!

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TW// suicidal intentions, implication of death, catching a suicide attempt, suicide, explosions + anything else i missed

Character's Included: Tommyinnit, Tubbo


3rd Person POV

"I can't take this anymore.." Tommy whispered to himself as he stood on top of his block tower, staring down to the ground. His eyes glazed with tears, he paged through Tubbo and his' selfies, smiling at each one and choking out a laugh on the funniest one of Tubbo, with pigtails. The pathetic laugh lost it's humor half-way through. 

The nether portal whooshed and whirred and a figure appeared on the grassy plains. They had brunet hair, a lead that was attached to a bee...

Tubbo? Tommy thought, having lean down to look at him from atop his block tower No! You can't be here! 

Tubbo examined tnret, the poles, sheets, rope and other materials that now laid in a crater; ablaze. Tubbo's sharp gasp echoed through Tommy's ears as Tubbo ran to Logstedshire, well, what was left of Logstedshire. The huge exploded hole lay in the center of it all, the wooden fence around Logstedshire fallen and broken, some snapped in half. The buildings in the small estate were utterly torn apart, the roof caved in on the small space inside Ghostbur and Tommy's house, the windows shattered. The prime log was gone, a small explode-y hole where it used to be. (the prime log in Tommy's inventory ) The storage barrels that once held blue were completely obliterated from the TNT and all of the blue was left exploded or on fire. The only thing that remained untouched (and frankly in perfect condition) from the exploding inferno of TNT was a small space of the wooden fence that was once behind the prime log. 

Tommy saw Tubbo's mouth open and close repeatedly, but he had no clue if Tubbo was actually speaking or not. Tommy sent a silent prayer into the deathly quiet sky that Tubbo wouldn't see him. That's exactly when Tubbo turned. His hand let go of the lead, and he froze. (The bee nuzzling it's furry face into Tubbo's) 

Everything seemed to fall into slow motion. 

Tubbo's terrified gasp radiating off of the burning trees. 

Tubbo's voice echoing like a bullet throughout the small landscape, shouting, no, pleading, for Tommy to listen to him. 

The horrific scream when Tommy takes the final step off his tower, falling back first. 








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