I Just Wanna Go Home.. (Pt. 2)

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TW// Intrusive thoughts, anger issues?, implication of fainting, other than that, enjoy your fluff :3

Characters Included: Technoblade, Philza, Tommyinnit, (mention of) Dream


Tommy's POV




A faint voice abrupted the comfortable silence, asking.. what I had done. 

What have I done? 

Other than parade around and annoy people for fun?

Other than start wars because of my own selfish desires?

Other than betray my friends just for the heck of it?

Other than purposely put my selfish desires in front of my friends?

Other than make terrible choices?

Because other than those things, I haven't done anything.


I wanted to reach out to that voice.

Ask them how long they've been here, about what goes on around here.

But I just couldn't reach it...

I'll have to wait until I have more energy.

'~---- The Next Day, Morning ----~'

I felt energy rush through my body in an abrupt blast. 

This always happened.

C'mon.. strange.. voice... talk! So I can escape!

I heard strange muffles of sound and took that as an opportunity. 

I reached out to the sounds, and fought for freedom of the darkness.

'It's been weeks Techno.. I don't think he'll wake up..' 

Phil's voice.

A soft sob was heard throughout the darkness. From.. Techno? 

'I don't care if you're right.. and you probably are.. just let me stay!.. please.. I wasn't there for him then, I need to at least be there for him now..'

A beat of silence.

'Neither was I mate.. and that's why I'm letting you stay here.. be there for him, for the both of us.' 

I pushed my eyelids up with as much forced as possible, and once they were up, it was easy to keep them up, like a bus window. I fought for control of my own body, eventually winning the battle and forced a muffled grunt out of my mouth. My throat ached. 

"Tommy..?" Techno asked, leaning in to have a better look at my face. "TOMMY!" He shouted when he realized I was awake, mercilessly grappling his arms around my body, crying into my shoulder. 

"I'm so sorry, Tommy...!" 

"Wh-what-?" I rasped, my own cries falling down my face while Philza excused himself to get a glass of water for me. I rasped out my thanks. 

Suddenly, Techno pulled himself off of me, tears in his eyes but with deadly desperation in his eyes. 

"Who did this to you?!" He interrogated, his hands firmly grasping my forearms. 

I sucked in a breath. 

Can I tell him Dream did it?

Would he believe me?

Would he care

I forced out the one-syllable word. The first word that came to mind.

"Drea-..." Something told me not to tell Techno. I tried to save the words the best I could. "Drealisia..? Yeah. Drealisia."

Techno shot me a knowing glance, standing up and straightening his golden crown. He rolled up his sleeves, and grabbed the nearest weapon, which happened to be an enchanted netherite axe.

"I'm going to go have a friendly chat with Dream." Techno snarled, walking out the door, axe swung over his shoulder. 

"W-wait, Techno-!" I called, but he was already out the door. 

533 words

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