Experimented!innit Pt. 4 2/2

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(A/N sorry it took so long to update, i've been having trouble with my internet! I think i've fixed it now though! Also, if you're confused i've divided this part because i want to include some different pov's. ) 

TW// swearing, crying, panic attack, inability to breathe, mention of blood, mention of torture, mention of screams, mention of fainting, mention of laboratory

Characters Included: Karl, Big Q, Sapnap, Mention of Tommy, Mention of Techno, Mention of Blazer & #37, mention of the bitch

Quackity's POV

"Oh, hey karl, wassup?" I asked, momentarily pausing my crafting sesh and shifting my attention to karl, who was passing by. (A/N Sorry if this is inaccurate Big Q attitude! It's been so long since i've seen Big Q lore. And with my shitty memory not knowing what I had for breakfast today- it doesn't pair well. Same about karl, so let's just pretend that karlnapity is still a go, aight?)

"Hey Big Q, nothin' much how about you?" he replied, seeming as cute and upbeat as usual. 

"Well, same but-" Is that..? Oh my shit! Is that Sapnap?! He looks so distressed.. are those tears? I hadn't realized i've been speaking my thoughts aloud until I heard the fast footsteps departing from me to across the rest of the path. 

"What the honk?! Are you alright??" From a distance, I heard Karl ask to presumably Sapnap. 

"Y-yeah just.. I need to talk to Big Q alone.. is that okay?" 

"That's fine, but I need details later." 

"Ok.. sure, yeah." And with that Sapnap rushed over to me. 

"I think this is a stupid question but.. is this bad news..?" I carefully asked, pulling myself together whilst still wincing at the sight of the few silent tears slipping down Sapnap's face. 

"Well.. yeah, you know Tommy?" 

I straightened up on my seat on the crafting table. God did the mention of that name hurt like hell. "Yes..?" 

"A-and the lab I used to go to..?"

I flinched, this has got to be bad. He hated mentioning the lab he went to, what in hell's name is going on?? "W-well of course..!"

"..Technoblade just got back to me that he found Tommy." 

I jumped off my seat, HE FOUND TOMMY?! WAIT! hold on.. then why..? Why was Sapnap crying..? Isn't this good news? Or is he just getting started?.. I slowly sat back down on my chair, my mood falling when Sapnap continued to speak. 

"But in terrible shape." Oh. Oh, oh shit. 

"How bad is it??" I instantly asked, needing info now and right this second. 

"He didn't really tell me that.. but he told me about what his friends explained." 


"The guy fucking tortured Tommy." The sentence came out as more of a growl? Like quarter whisper, quarter snarl, half growl? It was like a threat in a whisper. But damn was that a casual bomb. I felt warmth trickle down my face, but only a few of those tears. "That motherfucker tested him over and over 'till Tommy fainted. His friends told Techno they heard screams and saw tommy's blood.." 

BANG! Well that's what it felt like. It felt like my insides were being tightened so hard that all my organs had to move. But it also felt like my heart trampled over my lungs and burst a hole through it so i couldn't breathe. My head felt like a monster had broken free and it was tearing through my mind. 

I can't breathe.

I can't think.

God why does it hurt so much?

I felt the warm embrace of a hug and warm kisses were being placed over my forehead. 

"Do you hear me?" 

The voice felt far, but i battled through a nod to signal I could. 

"Ok, match my breaths.. In.... Out.... In... Out... that's good! Keep going, In.... Out..."  The voice kept getting closer as I attempted to match their instructions. The instructions seemed easier to master, and the voice felt so close I could feel it, so I grabbed a hold of it and it felt good. I made sure I was still doing the exercises, as i 'woke up' to a warm embrace, and my cheeks hot. Why? I don't know that yet. Then my memories hit me. Sapnap. This is Sapnap. The memories of the warm embrace and the kisses filled my head, and I managed to feel a bit more warmth until more memories hit me. Tommy. I need to see Tommy. I pushed Sapnap away with my hands, which were curled into fists. 

"I need to see Tommy!"  I repeated, knowing full-well Sapnap couldn't read minds. He gave a single nod. And carefully unwrapped his hands from me, i couldn't help but notice his slight blush whilst wiping his mouth a bit, but my face and hands felt anything but warm as I replayed what Sapnap bombed me with. 

"The guy fucking tortured Tommy.."

"That motherfucker tested him over and over 'till he fainted. His friends told techno they heard screams and saw tommy's blood.."

Server: Sapnap Quackity tp ######### 

713 words

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