Wing!innit pt. 3

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TW//other than crying, I don't think there is any, enjoy your fluff!

Character's Included: Technoblade (22) , Tommyinnit (18) , Wilbur (20), Mention of Philza

8 years later

Tommy's POV

Maybe I should pick some flowers.. they'd look nice on my dining room table! 

I stepped outside and inhaled all the fresh air that always blew in from the ocean. I walked down the steps of my cabin, and ventured into a flower field. My alicorn wings on full display. (A/N Tommy's wings are alicorn wings, one of the most valuable wings because they actually allow the magic of whatever goes with you the most, and for tommy, it's the weather. Alicorn wings are most often chopped off and sold on the black market, or the holder of the alicorn wings are stolen and held captive while giving gifts of magic to the their captors. Tommy's been training very hard for the past 9 years and can control his magic very well and easily.) I heard a twig snap from the oak forest that lined my favorite flower field. 

Huh.. strange. 

Then I continued picking flowers, but more cautiously. I heard another twig snap and rustling of branches, and I quickly hid my wings and unsheathed my netherite enchanted axe. 

"Show yourself!" I ordered. Directing my voice to the noise, and getting ready to hit it as soon as possible. Slowly, a man that looked half big emerged from the forest's leaves and had his weapons put away and his hands raised. I froze. Is that.. brother?.. No, no it can't be. He most have moved on by now it's been 8 years.  "Who are you?" I questioned with as much authority as my first order. 

"I show no harm, you may lower your weapon, and I'll drop mine." That voice.. no it can't be him. Surely not.. right? I slowly lowered my weapon knowing full well that my axe was not my only weapon. I can control lightning if needed bitch. As soon as I lowered my weapon, the guy in front of me lowered his, and took a cautious step forward. 

"My name is Technoblade, what's yours?" He asked, no way.. NO WAY! He didn't move on yet?! Oh my shit.. I felt a tear slip down my cheek. 

"Oh my god.. this can't be happening.." I replied, wiping away the tear. "Why didn't you give up after 8 WHOLE YEARS?" 

"What?" Techno questioned, taking two more steps forward. "What are you talking about?" 

"Brother.. why don't you recognize me?" I asked feeling hurt but more determination than anything. "Hah I get it, I have scars all over the place and I'm wearing a hoodie tied around my waist, not exactly something I'd wear.. but.." I continued hoping my name would make something click. 

"My name.. is Tommy."

"I-Is it really you?" Techno asked, taking more steps forward, we were about 3 feet apart by now. 

"It's me big brother, and I'm sorry for-" I was interrupted by a hug that was far more on the tight side than comforting. "Urghh... don't worry.. breathing's overrated anyway.."  Techno didn't move, and to be honest, I didn't want him to. He soaked my white shirt with tears, but did I care? No. 

Once Techno had calmed down enough I had invited him to my cabin. 

"Want anything? Your my guest here!" I asked, enthusiastically. Really, how come he didn't give up after 8 whole years? 

"No, no it's ok. I'm just here to ask a few questions then I'm going to drag you back home and you won't be able to do anything about it." Techno replied, taking his boots off at the door and seating himself at one of my couches. I didn't mind to be honest and before we entered my cabin, I made sure to express that. Well.. since Techno's my brother I guess he should know about my wings. Here I go. 

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