Ch15. Failure

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Mention of drugs and suicide. (Nothing major)

 (Nothing major)

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Cold. Im really fucking cold right now. After our failed attempt to get back to the car Roni was knocked out and I fought and fought until more came and they ended up druging me.

What ever they put in me is really kicking my ass.

I'm laying on a hard surface on my stomach. Its feels like I don't have my shirt anymore but my shoes and pants are still there..

My body is in pain. Worse than it have ever been. They really did a number on me. What really confused me is that we basically killed a suicidal person and then apparently Leah must have snuck around the area because she was just right there. Who would willingly die like that.

Carlos is going to be pissed. Correction is pissed. We've been down here for about it a day. Veronica is still laying on the other side of the room chained to the wall.

She hasn't waken but I can tell she is breathing. The worst part is she is going to beat her self up about it. Thinking she messed up and its going to be hard because it was her first mission all these things will run through her head and I'm afraid that'll drive her over.

I'm only saying that because a Mafia kidnapping is different then a fucked up person kidnapping. I mean Leah is fucked up but whatever.

Its a dark room and the only light is a small window and a digital clock. They want us to know how long we have been here.

A couple guards im assuming have came down here and checked up on us. Mostly Veronica. I hear stairs so I'm thinking we are in a base ment or attic but most likely basement.
I can't really move from my position unless I want to be in pain.

So I'm laying cheek pressed on the floor and looking over at Veronica. A bruise has formed from where the leach hit her  with the gun.

I need to come up with a plan but I need her awake for it. Fuck she has had enough already why does this have to happen. Living in prison her whole life, her mother dieing, finding out her dad is the fucking Italian Mafia Boss, taking on school with the fuck who helped kill her mom, and now this.

I don't understand how she is so strong.

I get pulled out of my thought hearing a suffering sound over on her side. I look to her and see her head up and looking around. Her arms are chained up and she just sits on the floor. "Lucas." Her she croak out.

"Here." I say but it comes out as a cough. Her eyes snap to mine and they widen. "What happend." She closes her eyes again and drooping her head.

"Hey! Do not close you eyes stay awake." I say sitting up. Shit that hurt. She picks up her head but keeps her eyes closed. "Roni." I say lowly. I don't know if she has a concussion she needs to stay awake.

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