Chapter 1

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The vibrations of the upbeat reggae-tone music pounded against my feet with life reminding me of the moments I had spent on vacations with my mother when I was much younger. The warm summer heat grazing my skin, enriching it with nothing but happiness. Those hot summer days were spent on the beautiful coasts of Spain. The warm soft sand beneath my feet and the cold crystal clear water centimeters away.

Sometimes I wished I could go back to this moments. Life was so much easier. Being a kid with no worries about being an adult to soon. No worries about finding an Alpha to protect me when my mother forced me out of the house when her new husband appeared. To cherish me like the Alpha's did their newly wedded omegas. To flaunt me around so confidently with all the pride in the world.That's what I wanted, or at least expected. Being a single omega all alone in this world was dangerous. I was vulnerable, so I had to learn how to protect myself very quickly.

"Another drink for the cute boy sitting at the bar?" The bartender offered. He was tall man with a scruffy masculine look. He was probably in his late 20's searching for someone fresh and young. Or maybe I was just assuming things. The ring on his ring finger said otherwise.

"How do you know if I'm even of age yet?" I quizzed, leaning forward against the counter with a sly smirk.

"You're right, I don't know. Although, I definitely know that you've already matured. I smelled you as soon as you walked in and I don't smell an alpha's scent on you. What's a cute single omega like you doing here all by yourself?" the bartender asked. Rule number 1 about being a single omega in a big city like New York, if you go bar hopping, stay by the bar.Bartenders and bouncers were obligated to protect you from Alphas who'd take any chance to take advantage of you.

"Well I've been cooped up in my apartment for days on suppressants and I needed a drink," I replied.

"Oh, are you celebrating the end of your heat or is this more of a casual thing for you?" He asked. I chuckled at his flirtatious advances glad that I had someone to talk to after going through hell for the last few days.

"I guess I'm celebrating," I replied.

"I thought so," he smiled. He swiftly began prepping my drink, mixing, stirring and shaking several ingredients together. He was quite skilled and I enjoyed watching him work his magic.

"There we have it. Pomegranate and Rosemary Gin Fizz. A special drink for a very special boy," he winked, sliding the reddish pink drink in front of me. I could see the pomegranate seeds floating around in the cold alcoholic drink. It looked incredibly tasty.

I picked the glass up and placed it against my lips, taking small sip. The first thing I tasted was the sweet tang from the pomegranate juice. It really complimented the smooth burn of the gin that hit the back of my throat as I swallowed.

"How is it?" The bartender inquired.

I gave the man an award winning smile and took another sip. "Delicious," I replied. Maybe not having an Alpha to spoil me rotten wasn't so bad. I could sit here all day and drink my sorrow away while flirting with a man I'm sure was to old for me and married.

"Can I get a rum and coke with light ice," A deep voice ordered. The bartender turned his attention to a well dressed boy who looked about the same age as me. His brown hair was perfectly styled into curls that sat on top of head, fully exposing his face.

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