Chapter 4

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I practically tripped into the bar, sighing as I sat down. The same bar tender from a few days ago looked me up and down before raising his eyebrows. I discreetly put my index finger over my lips, knowing that he instantly knew what had happened to me.

Minutes later it seemed to be the only thing he could talk about with me. "I-I should've taken you home that night," he regretfully concurred. He sounded more like a father than the flirtatious bar tender I had met. I guess my sex appeal was completely gone now that Alex's scent was all over me.

"What do I do?" I said after taking a long swig of vodka. Franky protectively moved my glass away from me when I sat it back down.

"Well, drinking it away won't solve it," he laughed. I knew that it wouldn't help. I just wanted to feel numb for a few hours before I had to face the fact that I was marked by a soon to be married Alpha.

"Have you told your parents?" He asked. I shook my head no, memories of my mother kicking me out of the house I had grown up in filling my mind.

"My dad died when I was really young, so your basically the closest thing I have to a father and my mother wants nothing to do with me. I haven't talked to her in 2 years," I admitted. She wanted to start her life over with her new husband and not be reminded of her past. That included me.

"Me? Closest thing to your father. I feel kind of honored," he chuckled.

"Don't be. There's not like there's a long list of men who'd claim me as their son anyways," I replied half jokingly.

"I think my husband would love to have you as a son. We have 2 twin daughters, so a boy would even things out ," An omega man replied while leaning up against Franky the bartender . He looked around the same age as Frankly, but was clean shaven and had wonderfully green eyes that sparkled under the lighting at the bar.

"So you are married. I had assumed so, but you never said anything," I said to Franky.

"Well yeah, we both own the bar. I was so caught up in impressing Mr.Ruygrok the last time you were here that I sort of forgot to mention that," frankly laughed.

"Yeah...Mr.Ruygrok, more like Mr.Pain in my ass," I huffed. I meant that more literal than a lead on, but they'd never know that.

"Oh, do you two not get along?" Franky's husband asked. I looked at Franky and sighed.

"It's complicated Henry and I sort of blame myself for letting it happen. I could've prevented Mr.Ruygrok from ever taking you home. He just kept insisting," Franky admitted.

Henry's eyes lit up like firecrackers when his eyes landed on the bruising that had yet to disappear on my neck.

"Oh, but he's...OH...OH MY..."

"Yeah," I sighed regretfully.

"Hunny, did he take advantage of you. You know you can press charges and..."

I shook my head no. As much as I didn't want I admit it, I wanted him in the back of my mind. I kept trying to tell myself that it was just the physical attraction, but my curiosity alone proved me wrong. I wanted to know Alex. I wanted to be with Alex. I wanted Alex.

"He didn't force himself on me or anything. It was consensual ...well...besides him marking me," I admitted. Laws were kind of iffy about being marked. It was outright illegal to just walk up to an omega and mark them, but if it happens between to people in the process of mating it was a lot different. It was something that came natural to Alpha's when sex was involved. They were marking what was there's and arguing against that was hard.


I stepped out of the shower, completely stomped on what to wear. I wasn't sure if  business formal was to much or if business casual made me look to like I didn't care. There wasn't a hand book written on how to present yourself to a bunch of over confident tech nerds and Alpha's who thought they knew everything.

Suddenly, a knock at my apartment door startled me. I quickly threw a robe on to cover my half naked body and opened the door. Standing there was beautiful omega girl. Her long brunette hair ran the way down her back and her glossy deep brown eyes stared at me with intensity. Her luscious caramel skin looked like it felt like velvet. There was also a beauty mark right on her plump thick lips as she opened her mouth to speak.

She was wearing a long white sun dress that hid any sign of pregnancy, but I could tell by her face that she was definitely a few months pregnant. This was without a doubt Alex's fiancée and she was beyond beautiful.

"Um...sorry to bother you. I don't even know why I'm here. It's fiancé has been so secretive lately. Every time I question him I feel like he's lying straight to my face so I kind of started tracking his phone. I'm probably over reacting, but..."

"Ohhh...your Mr.Ruygrok's fiancée! It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm not sure if he told you, but he just hired me as the new CEO of DCE Apps and Software. He came over a few nights ago to tell me that I got the position. He actually left his phone here after I invited him inside to discuss some logistics," I said, cutting her off before she could make any conclusions.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Just forget I even came here. I've just been so stressed with the baby and the wedding. It's a lot you know," she apologized. I didn't. I'd never know what that felt like.

"Yeah, there's a million things to do and not enough time. Alpha's don't understand how hard it is to juggle being a parent, taking care of the house, keeping a healthy relationship, and working. It's brutal," I sighed frustratingly. The beautiful girl smiled at me and stuck her hand out.

"What was your name again?" She asked.

"Oscar, Oscar Nicholls," I replied shaking her hand.

"It's nice to meet you Oscar. I'm Athena, Athena Katoanga, soon to be Ruygrok," she replied back.

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