Chapter 18

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Weeks quickly turned into me being 7 months pregnant while staring at the foundation of our new house that me and Alex had designed together. I had blown up like a balloon leaving me a complaining mess while Alex had basically became my care giver.

"It's hot," Alex huffed. He was used to cold wet winters and hot humid summers. Utah always trended towards the extremes. It was either really hot or really cold.

"Is the city boy complaining?" I giggled, leaning against his arm as we watched the builders map out the frame of the house. I weirdly felt at peace with how things were coming along, despite me being only a few exits away from my mother. I bet she wasn't even aware that I was pregnant. I blamed her for so much after she kicked me out. I struggled to make it in New York all by myself and now I was here, with Alex. I looked over at him, realizing for the first time that I'd never be alone like that again.

"Oscar, I want to ask you something really important," Alex said while stepping away from me. I turned to face him momentarily taking in the scenery. The Utah mountains outline the background perfectly, cutting into the blue clear sky. I knew what came next. I had prepared for the question for months, but that still didn't prepare me for how emotional it made me. I was always about to cry.

Alex just smiled at me as he dug into his khaki short's pocket and pulled out a black box. My heart froze over an infinite amount of times as he got down onto one knee. In my mind I expected it to be this fancy proposal that he'd do in front of all of his friends, but this was a lot more special. A lot more intimate. If solidified us as a budding family.

I watched his lips move, but I could hear a word he said. The only I hear was the pounding of my heart and my sobs after I said yes. Alex picked me up with ease and spun me around as we kissed.

I was only brought back to reality when I heard a car door close. Alex broke the kiss and looked to see who it was, instantly stepping in front of me when his mother appeared.

She was dressed in all white and wore black shaded sun glasses to block out the sun. I don't know why I pictured her burning up from the light like a vampire. It humored me that I thought of her in such an evil way.

"Alex, before you say anything, I come in peace. I'm waving the white flag so to speak," she announced. I couldn't tell if she was being genuine or if she had finally lost her mind.

"I'm not letting you step a single foot onto this property until you apologize to my fiancé!" Alex negotiated without even discussing what the woman wanted.

"Oh, you proposed...I'm happy for you. I really am Alex," she said, ignoring her sons request. I could help but giggle a little. Now I could see were Alex's stubbornness had come from. She wanted her son back in her life, but was to prideful to apologize for what she had said and done to me.


"Ok fine! I'm sorry Oscar. I'm sorry that I'm a old, snobby, spoiled, entitled bitch who wants to control everything. All I ever wanted for my children was the best and I could see that you were just that. Look at how he protects you..." the omega woman pointed out. Alex was literally blocking her from even looking at me.

"Not even Alex's father loved me that much. I filed for divorce by the way," she mentioned. Alex sighed heavily, allowing himself to relax.

"Did he even care?" Alex asked. It took only three seconds for the woman to begin crying. I kind of felt bad for her. Her only purpose to her husband was to have Alex and his younger brother. Now that they were both grown and out of the house she was left with no ones

"Mom...c'mon mom. It's okay," Alex said, embracing the woman. Part of me wondered if this was all an act to get back in Alex's graces, but when I saw actual tears falling down her face, I knew her blackened soul had a pure heart. I was also a little envious of how Alex was able to forgive his mother so easily. If I simply thought about my mother it would anger me.


Alex's mother sat in the front seat as we were driven to our hotel in Salt Lake City. Alex had convinced me that she'd be staying for only a day or two before she caught a flight back to New York.

"Oscar, may I ask you a question?" Alex's mother asked. I looked at her and nodded.

"Has Alex met your family yet?" She asked.

"No, I'm not exactly close with them. My dad ran off before I was even born and my mother disowned me when she remarried," I explained sourly. It didn't help that I was extremely pregnant which made me overly emotional. Any little thing would piss me off or make me cry.

"Oh...have you ever thought about reaching out to her again? Just to see if..."

"Mom, that's enough. Oscar's obviously uncomfortable with talking about his mother. Just leave it alone," Alex interrupted. As true as that was, there was this funny feeling in my gut. Deep down I wanted to see the look on her when she saw me.

"Can you take the next exit?" I asked the driver. Alex looked at me with shock, quickly taking ahold of my hand.

"Oscar, are you sure?" He questioned.

"No, I'm not...but if I don't then I'll never do it," I explained to him. All I really wanted was to be at peace with myself and confronting my mother was the only way to do that.

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