Chapter 7

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I walked into my apartment, feeling completely drained. I was emotional exhausted and I could barely take another minute of being awake. I needed sleep to help control my busy mind.

*Ding* *Dong*

I threw wild punches of frustration into the air, groaning in silence. Who could it possibly be at this time. I had just gotten home and I didn't want to be bothered.

I stormed over to the door, expecting it to be Alex, but was surprised when a very sorry looking Athena was staring back at me.

"Athena? Hey," I greeted. She looked me up and down, her eyes widening when she realized I had just gotten home.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. This must be horrible timing. I just wanted to apologize about Alec and William earlier. Alex told me they made you cry?" She asked in a worried tone.

I was going to murder Alex when I saw him. He was really pushing this narrative so he could make her look like the bad guy? He was the one lying.

"It's fine. You don't have to do that for my sake. There's a lot of pressure on my shoulders to turn things around at work and I understand that I look very suspicious being around Alex. I just want you to know that there's nothing going on. I have an alpha," I replied, lying to her face for the 2nd time.

Athena relaxed a little, smiling warmly at me. She then got a thought in her head that made me mentally gulp.

"Yeah, about that. I know it's a bit nosy, but why haven't I seen him around?" She asked.

"He's an officer in the Navy. He's on a 9 month tour in some undisclosed area of the world. I'm not really allowed to know. I only see him for a short time out of the year, so it's normally just me here," I explained.

"Oh...that's...I'm so sorry for intruding on your life like this. I must seem crazy?" She replied, breaking out into an awkward laugh.

"No, your not crazy. I fault Alex. It seems to me like he doesn't tell you when he's up to something," I chuckled to brighten the mood.

"Tell me about it. He's so secretive. Like he never mentioned buying an entire App development company. That's huge, I think your wife should know something like that," she giggled. I nodded in agreement feeling like if I wasn't in this circumstance with Alex that I'd be good friends with Athena.

"You know...tomorrow I'm picking out flowers for the wedding. I'd really like it if you tagged along. Just so I can make up for what happened earlier today," she offered.

" don't have to do that if you don't want to. I'm okay. Alec and William have a reason to be worried," I assured her.

"No, I insist. I'd rather you than my mom. Her taste is a little old fashioned and I could use a fresh pair of eyes,"she smiled.


"You two have a shit load of explaining to do," I heard a voice echo from my living room. My eyes shot open as I darted from my room into the hallway.

Standing there was Alex and Patrick. I had totally forgotten that I gave a key to Alex.


"Don't be bullshit me Alex. I just saved your ass at that meeting and I don't even know what's going on. Why the hell does Oscar smell like Athena, why do you have a key to his apartment,and why are you lying to all of us?" Patrick questioned. He then looked over to my guilty expression coming to the conclusion on his own.

"Please don't tell me you marked him the night you supposedly lost your phone?"Patrick asked with the most questionable face a person could make.

"Patrick, I swear I didn't mean to mark him," Alex lied.

"Your lying to my face now. I mean I get why you marked him. Oscar's beautiful, but your going to be a dad soon. You and Athena have been together for ever. On top of that you marked her too. You need to come clean about everything or it's going to bite you in the ass," Patrick suggested. It made me feel awkward that Patrick didn't blame me for any of this. For some reason I thought they'd all come after me once they found out.

"How do I do that? She's having my kid. I can't just leave her." Alex sighed. Patrick's jaw dropped as his eyes blinked several times.

"Your choosing Oscar?!" Patrick exclaimed. I flinched at the Alpha's sudden mood swing. That statement alone was shocking. I wasn't worth loosing everything.

"You don't know what it's like being with Athena. Everything's about her and when it isn't it still is. Ever since we started dating it's like my life's been on hold. She could care less about how I feel about things or whether or not something effects me. I haven't taken a breath since she announced the pregnancy. I just don't want to be with her anymore. She doesn't make me happy," Alex explained.

"Your an asshole Alex. Your an asshole for putting Athena in this situation and your definitely an asshole for putting Oscar in this situation. Your literally not giving them a way out. They're both trapped by you. As much as you want to complain about Athena being selfish, your the selfish one. You marked her knowing full well you didn't love her anymore," Patrick pointed out.

"Your right. I'm not fighting you on that. I just don't know what to do," Alex sighed, dropping his face into his hands.

"Your so lucky your my best friend. You can still resend you mark," Patrick explained.

"What? I thought it was permanent," Alex replied with shock.

"Well, no. It's just that in involves both omegas being in the same room while simultaneously in heat. It's..."

"No, I'm not doing that!" Alex refused.

"I'm not saying you have to fuck them both," Patrick explained.

"No. Athena won't have another heat until she gives birth. I can't wait that long," Alex replied.

Patrick gave me a sympathetic look. He didn't need to feel sorry for me. I was doing enough of that all on my own.

"Well then be with Athena. I don't know...make a choice and stick with it. I'm sure Oscar's willing to give up a mark by you if it means he's free to be with who ever the hell he wants," Patrick explained.


"I don't want Athena,"
Alex replied.


"Then choose Oscar you idiot!" Patrick exclaimed.

"Guys!" I shouted finally gaining both of their attentions. I exhaled powerfully, feeling annoyed by how much they talked.

"Athena will be here in about an hour.
So please get out," I warned them.

"What?" Alex said, looking at me like I had lost my mind.

"She invited me to go pick flowers with her. She felt bad after you told her that Alec and William made me cry. So can you both get out so I can start getting ready," I said as forward as possible.

Both alpha's looked at me with disoriented expression, Patrick shaking his head with disappointment.

"You need to fix this bro," he said, quickly leaving before I blew a fucking fuse.

"Oscar I'm..."

I held a hand up stopping him from saying anything else. I didn't want anymore apologies. Patrick was right. He needed to make a choice.

"We'll talk later," I mumbled pointing to my front door. Alex nodded before turning on his heel to exit. Although, before leaving he craned his head to the side and said, "I love you Oscar. I hope you know that."

He then closed the door leaving me alone to deal with the aftermath of such words. Alex didn't know a thing about me. He didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. He didn't know what my favorite food or color was. He didn't know why I didn't live at home with my parents.He didn't know if I even wanted him. So how could he love me?

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