Chapter 13

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Alex looked utterly defeated and distraught as Athena began to explain her side of things. "I'm so sorry Alex, but now that everything is out and exposed I can't keep this from you," she explained. Alex was quiet for a moment, probably trying to understand how he had missed this.

"It was during my last heat. It was your birthday and you got drunk with all your friends. Patrick made sure to get you home safely, but you forget to tell him that I was at home. That's why you don't remember mating with me," Athena explained further. Alex suddenly became worried, looking at Athena for any signs of being forced into it.

"He didn't rape me if that's what your thinking. Patrick and I...we've mated behind your back several times since high school, but that night on your birthday. We conceived the baby that's currently inside of me. We're normally so careful about it, making sure to never get caught and we use protection but that night...we got beside ourselves. I was upset that you were drunk and he was just trying to comfort me," she said airing out her own dirty laundry. Alex sat in silence before ultimately laughing.

"I should've known it was Patrick. He's always asking about you and your pregnancy. Plus, he wanted me to tell you about Oscar from the beginning," Alex said, seeming to get over the fact that he was lied to for several months like it was nothing. Patrick was quite literally his best friend. It was hard fathom Alex not caring one bit about him sleeping with his ex fiancée.

"You aren't mad?" Athena questioned.

Alex shook his head and looked at the pregnant omega. "The only thing I'm mad about is getting slapped by Alec for no reason when I came clean about Oscar," Alex chuckled.

"I'm confused. I thought you'd try to kill Patrick or something," Athena said, sounding relieved.

"Maybe if we were still in high school, but it's not that big of a deal now. I lied to you because I was in love with someone else and you lied to me because you didn't want me knowing that my best friend is your baby daddy. We're even now," Alex replied with a small smile. I'm sure he was disappointed that he wouldn't be having his own child in the next few weeks, but the was obvious relief on his face was telling. The only thing that still bothered me was the fact that Athena was still marked by Alex.

"If that's the case, then can you resend your mark after me and Oscar give birth?" Athena out right asked. There wasn't even hesitation. I could see it in her eyes. She didn't want Alex as much as Alex didn't want her.

"I was planning on asking if you were okay with that. I just didn't want to seem like the asshole. Patrick recommend that I do it, but now we have to wait another 9 months," Alex explained while looking at me. I looked at them both with wide eyes, feeling awkward all of a sudden.

"It's not my fault I'm pregnant. Even with birth control I still got pregnant. Alex should've used a condom," I replied, glaring back at the silly Alpha with my face turning a deep red.

"Do you realize how good it feels to..."

"Okay ewww...that's enough for today," Athena interrupted, gracefully making her exit before Alex described how good it felt to have sex with me in detail.


I refused to go inside Alex's parents house. I was offended that Alex would even ask me. His mother had burned a bridge that hadn't even been built yet. I'd never forgive her.

"I'm just going to get your things okay. I won't be long," Alex said. I watched him get out of the car and quickly run into the house leaving me to think.

I could barely focus on anything with so much going on. Things were finally getting better like Alex promised. With Athena completely out of the way, I could be with Alex with no shame. I could finally be happy.

"It isn't even my baby!" I heard Alex yell as he exited the house with his mom behind him. I had hoped she would've realized that she was the bad guy, but she was still trying to force Alex to marry someone who he didn't love.

"It's doesn't have to be Athena. It can be some pretty girl from..."

I tuned the crazy woman out realizing she was homophobic. It didn't bother her that her son had cheated. It was the fact that her son cheated with an omega male. It honestly made me laugh that people like her existed still.

"No!We're going to have this baby and I'm eventually going to marry Oscar. You can choose to be hateful and angry or you can choose to get over yourself and accept the fact that I love Oscar. If you don't choose to get over it then you'll never see your grandchildren," Alex offered the middle aged woman. The woman stood there dumb founded as Alex got back into the car and handed me my backpack with all my things in it.

"Let's go!" He said to his driver.


I was half asleep when we arrived to my apartment. I clutched onto Alex as he carried me like a big baby inside, opening my apartment door and laying my tired body down on my bed.

He then looked around my room and nodded. " you like want to move into my place?" He asked. I stared at the alpha not caring what we did. I just wanted to be with him.

There was just one thing that his mother said that bothered me. Working in New York has shown me that my life would be way to busy for children. If we were going to be a happy family, this wasn't the place I wanted to be.

"I know this is asking a lot, but can we start over? I'm not comfortable here," I explained to Alex. The boy just smiled while crawling on the bed next to me.

"What place were you thinking?" He asked as I cuddled up next to him. I hated myself for imagining it, but all I could picture was the look on my mother's face.

I wanted to know what she'd think. If she'd even acknowledge me. If she was willing to let me back into her life at a time like this. If she was regretful. I guess the fact that I was becoming a parent made me wonder about my own.

"I was thinking about going back home."

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