Chapter 19

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I felt glued to backseat as we pulled in front of the house I had grown up in. So many memories of being neglected. Memories of my mother hiding me away like some dirty animal while she offered herself up to any Alpha man worth more than a nickel. The woman who had severe issues, but for some reason I found it in my heart to forgive her. She was my mother after all. How could I not. Even when she disowned me for her new husband, here I was anxious to see her.

"You don't have to do this Oscar. We can turn around and act like we were never here," Alex said, while holding my hand. I was tempted, but the thought of never seeing her reaction was getting to me. I needed to know what she thought. I wanted to see that stupid look on her face.

Besides, it was to late. Alex's mother had already stepped out of the car to greet the kids that had ran out into the front yard.

"You have siblings?" Alex asked.

"No, not that I know of," I replied. Then again, they seemed the correct ages. About 5 of 6 years old to be exact.

"Hello little ones, is your mother around?" Alex's mother asked them. The small adorable boy nodded, pointing to the house behind him. Alex pulled me out of the car and held my hand as tightly as possible. I wasn't prepared for this. I wasn't prepared to be okay with my mother having any more children after me.

"Rachael! Petter! What have I told you about talking to stra..." There she was. Her stark blue eyes staring at me with complete revelation. Her strawberry blond hair was tied up into a messy bun as she motioned for her kids to come to her.

"Go inside and stay with daddy," she said to them. The siblings ran inside, closing the door behind them as my mother continued to stare at me. Her eyes traveled south landing right on my belly, then jumped to Alex's hand tightly gripping mine.

"Oscar, is that you?" She said, asking the obvious. I couldn't tell if she was happy to see me or wanted to disown me all over again.

"Look, I only came here to tell you that I'm very happily engaged and extremely pregnant..."

I felt my heart rate double as the anger rushed passed my lips. There was so much that I wanted to say. So much that I wanted to hate her for.

"I did it without you! I made something of myself without you. I...I didn't need a thing from you! Look at me mom! The son you never wanted is...."

"Oscar," Alex whispered. The Alpha used the back of index finger to blot away the forming tears in my eyes and kissed the side of my face.

"Breath...just breath and calm down," he soothed. I took several deep breaths as my mother stood there in complete silence. Did she not have anything to say?

"Oscar, I don't know what you want me to do. Apologize? You won't accept it even if I did. You don't forgive people like me. People who throw away their obligations as a mother. So I moved on. I had more children and I tried to forget," she explained to me. What kind of mother forgot their own child? I was a kid who had no idea how to survive on his own just yet.

"Well I couldn't forget! Do you know how alone I was? Do you know how many men tried to take advantage of me because I was a fresh young omega who hadn't even kissed anyone? I was 15!" I cried. Alex had quickly become my support by holding me up and letting me cry into his shoulder.

"I know I wasn't the best mother, but I did what I could Oscar. I didn't want to compete with my own son for the attention of my husband!" She blurted out. What was she talking about? I never once thought about any of the men she courted as a potential mate, especially the man she ended up marrying. I knew never to cross that boundary.

"I saw the way his eyes lingered when I brought him around. How he'd always ask if you were presenting yet (showing signs of being an omega, Alpha, or Beta) . How excited he got when you were an omega. How he asked if I'd allow him to mate with you. How he asked if I'd allow his friends to court..." I watched the woman's face contort in disgust. Any sane person would've ended the relationship and reported him to the authorities. Instead, my mother threw me out and married him.

"I was protecting you Oscar. The only way I knew that you'd be safe is if you were gone. I didn't want your story to be mine. I didn't want you to end up pregnant to some older man who raped you," she explained. This was the first time she had ever mentioned anything about my father. I had no idea of what kind of man he was. To know that I was born by trauma sickened me.

"Your biological father wasn't a good man. I was an innocent girl who didn't know any better and he manipulated me, used me, took advantage of me. Then he left me to deal with the aftermath," my mother described. I was the aftermath. I was the thing she never wanted. I was a the burden that connected her to man who hurt her.

"Is that why you hate me? I had no control over what happened you. But you didn't have to do that to me. You weren't protecting me, you were throwing me away," I argued. In that moment her husband finally walked outside. She chose him over me and I'd never forgive her for that.

"Oscar? Hey! Where have you been. Your mother told me you ran away and..."

My heart sunk. Even if this man was a predator she lied and told him that I ran away so she wouldn't have to face any judgement. She couldn't even face what she had done.

"Look at you all grown up. You know when you were younger I asked your mother if you'd allow me to hook you up with a buddy of mine. He thought you were perfect. He loved them young," the man said. I would've never agreed to such a thing and felt disgusted that he would even ask my mother to sell me off when I was just a kid.

"Oscar, get back in the car," Alex whispered to me. I knew never to argue with Alex when he was angered. It wasn't because I feared him. It was more of a respect thing. He only ever talked to
me like that when he was trying to protect me. I quickly slid into the backseat and shut the door while watching through the window.

"How dare you! How dare you stay with and have kids by a man that would even suggest giving Oscar to some older man!" Alex stated. He was defending my honor. Something that he didn't have to do.

"What are you trying to say?!" My mother's husband snarled. I had never witnessed Alex fight anyone before. He was a kind and light hearted Alpha. It's why I loved him so much.

"I'm saying that your disgusting!" Alex replied coldly. The man attempted to jump at Alex only to be stopped by my mother. Her eyes scanned the car I was in before she looked back at Alex. She was realizing that Alex came from money. I'm sure her brain was filled with nothing but dollar signs.

"Look, we don't want any problems. Oscar is allowed to feel whatever he wants about the situation. I did what I thought was right and he turned out okay. He has a handsome and rich fiancé. I'm sure he's happy that he'll be a father soon. Things look..."

Alex's mother was the last person I thought would ever come to my aid. I watched the middle aged woman slap my mother. I honestly thought she had lost her mind, but her eyes told a different story. She was visually pissed.

"You're a wicked bitch and I hope your other children resent you for the choices you made. Oscar came here looking for answers and you don't even show an ounce of remorse. You could care less. That boy is nothing but good. That's why I don't understand how he could possibly come from you. Your nothing but pure selfishness," I couldn't comprehend any of this. The woman who hated my guts was standing up for me. I guess she truly had changed. Alex's mother left my mother speechless as she marched back to the car and slammed the door.

Alex stood there for a moment, battling whatever thoughts were in his head. "I advise you to stay away from Oscar if you know what's good for you. I don't need you trying to crawl your way into his life because of who we are. I know your type well. Money means everything to you. So I'm warning you, if I even catch you snooping around oscars social media's I'm getting a restraining order," Alex promised before getting back into the car.

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