Chapter 10

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Later That Week

I didn't want to face the aftermath that I had unintentionally caused. Alex promised me that he'd take care of everything, but I feared most of the consequences were out of his hands. Once the truth was out he wouldn't have control of anything.

The banging on my apartment door jolted me from the corner of my room where I sat, silently praying that this was just some weird dream.

"I'll get it," Alex said. He kissed me on the forehead and left me all alone in my room. I didn't feel comfortable by the fact that he was facing them alone. He didn't have any backup.

When I heard the door open and the yelling and tears begin I tensed up. I could hear several voices arguing with Alex, Athena's being the loudest.

"While I'm pregnant!" She sobbed. I felt like a monster for not telling her that Alex had marked me. For lying about my supposed Alpha being in the military. I just wanted Alex to make the easy choice so all of this could be swept under the rug.

"I didn't want it to be like this, but then you got pregnant..."

I heard a loud smack echo throughout the apartment and the sound of smaller feet trying to run at who I assumed was Alex.

"You fucking bitch! How dare you do that to her!" Alec shouted. I could picture in my head William holding the omega back from hitting Alex again. I couldn't see Athena being the one that struck Alex. She wasn't the type to physically hurt someone. She was the type to exact revenge by ruining your career and life making her infinitely more dangerous than Alec.

"Where the fuck is he! Where the fuck is that piece of shit omega Oscar!" Alec screamed. I pulled my legs to my chest and hugged them. I knew the things that I'd be called. The things that would said and spread about me. The judgement that came along with being a home wrecker. The fear of being outcasted weighed heavy on my mind. This was all because I couldn't keep my eyes to myself and my legs closed.

"Oscar has nothing to do with this. I seduced him and made him go into heat. I'm the one who marked him and I'm also the one who made him lie to you all. He was only trying to protect me," Alex said defending what little honor I had left.

"That's not..."

"Like I said...Oscar has nothing to do with this!" Alex reiterated with a low growl. I could feel the energy shift from my room. Alex was willing to take all the blame and hate himself, but anything that was said towards me he wouldn't tolerate.

"Why are you protecting him?!" A hysteric Athena asked. I wanted to know that as well. Why was he protecting me if she was the one who needed to be protected. She was the one who needed him to be there. Not me. I'm nobody. I'm just a boy from a small town in a big city. I wasn't supposed to be here in the first place.

"If I don't then who else?" Alex replied softly. Every time he spoke to Athena it was much more softer and caring. I could tell he still cared about her. Or maybe it was because she was having his kid.

I could hear the girl sobbing as everyone else fell silent. Maybe she was beginning to understand that I wasn't just some hookup. I was something Alex was willing to give up everything for.

"When I have this baby...I don't want you anywhere near him or me!" She shouted.

"It's a boy?! Wait, you can't do that! I..."

I heard Athena's feet stomp away along with Alec and William behind her and my door slam shut, leaving a distraught Alex to pick up whatever pieces he had left of his life.

A few seconds later he reentered my room and found me hugging myself in a corner, to terrified to move. I was overly sensitive because of my heat and way to emotional for all this drama. I just wanted some peace for the next few days.

"I'm sorry," he whispered to me while placing me back onto my bed.

I could see the stress in his eyes. This was what Alex wanted to avoid. The possibility of Athena keeping their son away from him because of all this, because of me.

"You should just leave me," I whispered. Alex kissed me on the cheek and backed away.

"I'd never do that and you shouldn't blame yourself for her trying to use our unborn son against me. That won't hold up in court well," Alex explained.

"And neither will cheating. What will the judge think? What will your parents think when they find out? I can't..."

Alex shushed me with another kiss, this time to the lips. "I promise you we'll get through this. Even if we have to move away to start all over," he stated.

I had fallen asleep after Alex tucked me in and woke up heat free. I was a little surprised how quickly it had passed, but wasn't one to complain.

However, the moment I stood up I felt dizzy and nauseous. I used the wall the balance myself and walked to the bathroom. The sight of the toilet sent me right over the edge as I ran to it, vomiting up what little breakfast I had this morning.

Alex came rushing in when he heard me and rubbed my back as I leaned my forehead against the clean toilet seat with shame. There was denying what this meant. An early ending of my heat and then sickness. I didn't need a test to tell me what was happening to me.

I instantly began to cry as Alex cleaned me up and cuddled me to him. I didn't want this now. Not when things were so chaotic. Not when Alex was at odds with his baby mother.

"Everything will be okay," he kept saying to me over and over again. How was everything going to be okay?! I felt far from okay. I had lost all control of my life and now one was growing inside of me. Nothing was going to be okay. I knew the image the media would paint me as once this all went public.

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