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When I found out I was pregnant I was shocked. Nick and I had sex once, and somehow were now going to be parents?

That one night of fulfilling our needs, led to one hell of a ride. But we wouldn't want it any other way. It gave us our little girl. She was born May 25th, and my life changed forever.

Alaya Devonne Lovato Jonas💗

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Alaya Devonne Lovato Jonas💗

Since the moment I found out I was pregnant, to when we found out she was a girl, and the when I gave birth, Nick was by my side.

I was terrified that a baby would ruin our friendship, but it's just made it stronger. Our co-parenting schedule is as followed:

Monday-Thursday and Friday-Sunday. We switch off every week so it's completely fair. If Alaya ever says she wants one of us, we don't care what time it is, we figure out a way. Whether it's FaceTime or in person. We want what's best for her.

On holidays, we spend it together. Half the day with my family, and half the day with Nick's. Thankfully, our family moved to Los Angeles years ago or else it would be super difficult.

Let me tell you a little bit about my girl. She is so stubborn, smart, loves cuddles, and as you can tell fucking perfect, I mean she blesses you eyeballs every time you look at her.

She has these blue eyes that are so full of happiness and innocence. Even when she is throwing a tantrum and acting like a devil spawn, she is absolutely gorgeous. I mean maybe I'm bias. Nah, she stunning.

She has been the best thing in my life. If I ever am having a hard time I just look over at her or at my wallpaper and am reminded of my reason to keep going.

Nick is such an amazing father. I wouldn't want anyone else to be Laya's dad. We have never had feelings for eachother, only attraction. He is my best friend, but I could never be with him. We are always there for eachother through thick and thin, and I am so blessed.


I woke up and grabbed my phone, looking at the time. 7:57 AM. I checked the baby monitor and Alaya was still asleep. I swear that girl loves sleep more than I do and that's saying something.

I knew if I didn't wake her up, she would keep sleeping and not sleep tonight so I got out of bed. Still in my satin pink crop tank and shorts PJs, I brushed my teeth and washed my face before walking to her room.

I opened the door slowly and quietly and looked at my perfect little girl. I walked over to her and rubbed her back gently, and she slowly opened her eyes.

Once she had woken up a bit more, she sat up and looked at me. "Mama! I miss you!" She said like she does every morning and I smiled as I picked her up.

"I missed you too baby! Did you sleep so good?" I asked a hint of baby in my voice.

I walked over to her changing station, and started changing her diaper as she talked to me. "It was dood! I pwayed wif fluffy and he came to wife!" She told me.

Fluffy is her stuffed elephant that my sister Dallas got her when she was a baby. She is attached to it and can't go out anywhere without him, or else she has a meltdown.

"That's so amazing Laya! What do you want to where today?" I asked and she pointed at a black long sleeved onesie that had a lightning bolt on it.

I put it on her and took her to the bathroom to help her finish getting ready. I put her hair in the only hairstyle she with let me do, and brushed her teeth.

"Okay baby all ready! Look at how pretty you are!" I said and pointed to her in the mirror

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"Okay baby all ready! Look at how pretty you are!" I said and pointed to her in the mirror.

She stared at the mirror for a minute before saying, "I am pwetty mama! So are you!" And I swear my heart melted right on the spot.

"Thank you Princess! What do you say about going to eat some breakfast?" I asked her and she nodded her head so I put her on my hip and we walked downstairs to my kitchen.

I set her down to let her play, while I made some breakfast. Thankfully we had a very open floor plan so I could watch her while doing so.

As I started scrambling the eggs and frying the bacon there was a knock at the door. Alaya ran to get it but I chased after her.

I crouched down in front of her and held her hands. "Alaya what have Mommy and Daddy told you about the door?" I asked.

She looked at me with he blue eyes and a frown on her face. "Wait for you so I don't get huwt." She said and I nodded.

"I love you so much and I don't want you getting hurt so next time wait for me Okay?" I asked and she responded. "Otay." And I held her in a hug before putting her on my hip and answering the door.

I opened to see Matthew, Marissa, Kelsey, and Nick. "Dada!" Alaya said and started bouncing in my arms so I handed her to him.

"What are y'all doing here? Not that I don't want you here, I'm just confused." I said and chuckled to myself as I smelt burning come from the kitchen.

"Shit the food!" I said and ran to the kitchen, taking the pans and putting them in the sink and turning off the burners.

As I was fanning everything with an oven mit, everyone came into the kitchen. Alaya was on Nick's shoulders and it made me a bit worried, but I trust Nick and seeing the smile on her face was worth it.

"Don't worry about it D! You have to go get ready anyway so we can take it from here." Matthew said and I looked at him confused.

"Um ready for what? Do I have something today?" I asked looking at Kelsey. She shook her head with a smile on her face.

"Well technically yes. You have a date to get ready for." Marissa said and I rolled my eyes.

"Really you guys? Again? Remember how the last one went. He just wanted to hit it and quit it." I said as I leaned against the counter.

"This one is different. He is a friend of mine, and he is better than that." Nick told me and that made me a little more willing to go.

"Guys I don't know." I said as Alaya held onto my leg and I looked down and saw her giggling.

"Cmon it will be fun. If you don't like it just text me and I will get you out of there." Matthew said and I thought for a second.

Maybe trying the whole dating thing wasn't so bad after all. I guess one date couldn't hurt.

"Fiiiine. But you guys have to help me get ready." I said and they all cheered and nodded.

Well this will be an adventure won't it?

Hey guys! So who do you think the date is with? How are you liking the story? If you like it please vote or comment to let me know so I can continue with it!

I love you all, Stay Strong!

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