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Nick stumbled out of the house, his arms full. He was coughing and smoke came out after him. He looked like he was about to pass out.

I ran over to him and knelt next to him. "What were you thinking!?" I asked him while crying and hugging him. "I can't lose you Nick."

"Hey" He started coughing. "I'm okay I'm out now. We are all good."

"Let's go to the paramedics. You need to check your blood sugar, and make sure you are okay." I told him and I got up and they came over with a gurney.

They put him on it and I followed them to the ambulance. I was still coughing, but I was only worried about Nick.

"Okay sir, put this over your face. We will do the rest." A paramedic told him, and he placed the oxygen mask on his face.

They checked his blood sugar and it was low. Way too low. Knowing what that meant I started to panic. He could go into hypoglycemia.

Eventually we got to the hospital and I was still coughing, but chased after wherever they took Nick. They brought him into a room and doctors were all over trying to help him.

"Ma'am, can I please check you out. Make sure you and your baby are okay?" A nurse asked me and I shook my head.

"I'm fine. Nick needs me." I told them but they still kept bugging me so eventually I went with them.

I stood up and got extremely lightheaded. The nurse got me a wheelchair and pushed me to another room.

When we got there she helped me into the bed to check everything out. Dr. Montgomery came in and started.

"Alright so looking at the ultrasound, baby is still looking good. However you are having some downshift and turning. This is what we see in preterm labor."

"I can't be in preterm labor. I don't have anything for him. Can we stop it? Like isn't there a way to do that?" I asked feeling myself start panicking.

"We are going to try. Nurse Simone will be putting it in your IV drip. If it doesn't work, it's about a 90 percent chance everything will be fine. Are you having any contractions yet?"

"When I had Alaya, it was more back labor, but Braxton Hicks are abdomen so I figured that is what this was." I told her.

I was visibly shaking with anxiety. This could not be worse timing. My whole house with all of my stuff in it just burned to the ground, and Nick is in a fucking hospital bed.

"Um excuse me, Dr. Montgomery? Demi has a visitor." Nurse Simone said, knocking on the door.

"Hey D. How you feelin?" He asked as he walked in.

"Nick why aren't you in bed!? And out of your gown!?" I questioned him.

"They cleared me. It's just some smoke. They are making me take a damn inhaler with me everywhere for the next week." He said and rolled his eyes.

"I am so glad you are okay. And to answer your question, apparently I'm in labor. They are trying to stall it, but if not... I'm having him. Nick I don't have anything for him anymore besides what we grabbed. And the carseat in my car." I ranted to him and he sat with me on the bed.

"Hey its gonna be fine. We will figure it out. I called Joe and my parents. Joe and Kev are going to get our cars and the stuff we got and take it back to my place. I have a 2 bedroom, that should work for now." He told me and I layed my head on his chest.

"I'm scared. I don't feel prepared." I told him and he played with my hair to calm me down.

"You are gonna do great D. You did fucking amazing with Laya and you are gonna do just as great with little man. It's all going to be all right." He said and kissed the top of my head.

"Can you hand me my phone? I have to call my mom and Dallas." I asked him and he nodded and leaned over to grab it. "You stink like campfire." I told him and giggled while he just rolled his eyes.

I called my mom first and explained what happened. She was on her way with my dad and Alaya. Dallas was next and started crying. She was most definitely speeding to get here.

I started feeling the contractions again. Contractions I had thought were false alarms. But now I was absolutely terrified.

I'm terrified of not being enough for him and Alaya. I'm scared that he isn't going to be okay. That somehow I messed him up.

Having Alaya was the only thing I was ever able to do right.

Nurse Simone came back in and saw my contraction chart was growing. She upped the dosage and went to talk to doctor Montgomery.

Dallas walked in and came straight over to me. I dont know what came over me but I started sobbing into her. Nick had decided to go get some food for us and Alaya in case she was hungry when she got here.

I was shaking and having a full blown panic attack. My parents walked in and saw so Eddie went to find Nick with Alaya. My mom came over to me and tried to help too.

It felt like my world was spinning out of control.

And there is nothing I can do to stop it.

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