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ddlovato: yesterday

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ddlovato: yesterday. I was in the house of my dreams, that I worked so hard for. with my perfect daughter and incredible best friend. who would have thought that today I would be in the hospital, praying to god everything will be okay. my house burnt to the ground, and the only things I have from it are what Nick ran and got. thank god he is okay, and that none of us were hurt. not really sure what's gonna happen, but I do know that my little miracle will be here soon. please god, let him be okay.

I set my phone down, feeling a contraction. They were getting worse and closer together.

"Oh god this hurts." I moaned as I held the bed rail. Dallas was next to me, ready to help whenever.

"You are doing great D!" She cheered me on but, it just felt like a lie. I felt weak. I felt vulnerable.

"Okay Demi, you are definitely progressing and the medication isn't working like we helped. You are definitely having your baby today." Dr. Montgomery said to me.

"Isn't it still too early?" I questioned and she shook her head.

"He is measuring at 32 weeks, so he may need to stay in the NICU for a while. But he is developed enough, that we aren't extremely worried about fatality." She said and I was still worried.

"No. I can keep him in. If you just le- oh my goddd..." I tried to persuade her but another contraction hit.

"Let's see how dilated you are okay?" She said and I nodded. "Looks like you are about 4 centimeters and 30 percent efaced."

"Almost Halfway sweetheart!" My mom said excitedly, but I just couldn't feel myself get excited. How could i?

"Mama I wanna go home." Alaya told me as she sat on the bed next to me. It was really late and I felt bad for missing her bedtime schedule.

"I know baby. Papa Eddie is going to take you to his house with Aunt Madi okay?" I told the 3 year old but she shook her head.

"No! I go wif you to my woom!" She said louder this time

"Laya baby, Mama can't go right now." I tried to explain, leaving out how our house was gone in fear that she would have a meltdown.

Her eyes welled up with tears, and she got closer to me. "No mama. I want you!" She said crying.

"Alaya sweetie, Mommy can't go, but I will go." My mom told her and Alaya started crying even harder and kicking her legs.

"NO I WANT MAMA!!" She screamed and was having a full tantrum. I knew she was tired, but I was in an insane amount of pain and was also exhausted and she was testing my patience.

"Alaya Devonne! Enough! Go with Grandma, and you can come see me tomorrow." I told her but she wouldnt stop.

I was getting more stressed by the second and it was showing on the monitor so my parents took her our of the room, and to their house. I could hear her screaming all down the hall and it broke my heart.

For the next few hours, I progressed and was in an unfathomable amount of pain. I was crying and exhausted and just leaning into Dallas.

She tried to help me as best as she.vould but obviously there wasn't much to do. Nick kept feeding me ice chips and helping Dallas and I.

I was checked again and was at 8 centimeters. I was almost there and the pain made me feel like I was dying.

"Miss. Lovato, would you like me to send a doctor in for an epidural?" A morning shift nurse asked me.

"No. No drugs. I'm fine, thanks." I told her while I leaned on the bed and bounced on the birthing ball.

"Are you sure? He isn't busy right n-"

"She said no. Now please leave and get us another nurse." Nick said as he rubbed my shoulders.

I smiled through the physical pain and he smiled back. "You are going great D. I've never seen anyone look so good."

"Funny. I'm literally the size of a whale, hair in a messy bun, in a hospital gown, crying and moaning un pain. Nothing about this looks good." I said and he laughed which made me laugh, but then I felt something.

"N-Nick. Get the doctor." I told him and he didnt ask any questions, just got up and hurried out of the room.

"Dally, can you help me to the bed?" I asked her and she nodded happily and helped me lay down.

"What's goin on Demi?" Doctor Montgomery asked as she walked in and put some new gloves on.

"Somethings not right. Can you make sure everything is okay?" I asked and she made her way between my legs.

"Well I can definitely tell why you feel that way! You are crowing! Let's get ready to push!" She said and a medical team hurried in.

"Okay we are going to push for 10 seconds okay?" A nurse told me and I held Dallas's hand, tightly.
"One last push! One. Two. Three. Four. Five..." I stopped pushing.

"Something isn't right." I said weakly.

"GET THE CLAMP AND SCISSORS!" My doctor yelled.

I looked up at Dallas. "W-Whats wrong??"

"Demi don't worry. The umbilical cord is wrapped around his neck but don't worry Dr. Montgomery will get it." She told me and against her advice, I panicked.

"Got it! One last push and he is out!" She said. I gave it everything I had left and soon my baby's cries, filled the hospital room.

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