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I giggled as I looked in the mirror. I had a decent bump, but knowing there was a baby in there made tears appear in my eyes.

Ever since I was little, I've always dreamed of being a mom. My mom definitely wasn't the best growing up but she did her best. But the things she said and did increased all of my issues and trauma.

When I found out I was pregnant with Alaya I was shocked. My heart ached knowing she would grow up in two houses. But I wasn't scared because she was going to be so loved.

I was also terrified. Years ago, I was with my ex boyfriend Wilmer. I found out I was pregnant and we were so excited. But because of my issues, I lost the baby. I didn't eat enough because I was scared of gaining weight, and I was stressed because I was only 21.

So I swore to myself when I found out I was pregnant with Nick's baby, that I would do everything and anything it took. I ate when I needed to and when I didn't need to. I took a break from the industry, and took some time for myself.

I am definitely scared knowing my new album will be out next week. I don't want to overwork myself, or be too stressed. I do feel a little better being in the second trimester, but my anxiety is at an all time high.

Today I was officially 16 weeks pregnant. I had a work meeting so I was getting ready to leave. Alaya wanted to come with me, so Mike is getting her ready.

"Alaya, are you ready to go baby?" I asked and she smiled and nodded

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"Alaya, are you ready to go baby?" I asked and she smiled and nodded. I knelt beside her to fix her hair and she put both her hands on my belly.

Ever since I've started showing, which was pretty quickly, she always wants to be touching it and me. She always wants to make sure I am safe and it warms my heart.

"You did a good job dressing her Babe!" I said as I gave him a kiss and put Laya on my hip

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"You did a good job dressing her Babe!" I said as I gave him a kiss and put Laya on my hip.

"It's not hard. You have every out fit together and put away. I just choose one." He said as he gave Laya kiss on the cheek and leaned down and kissed my belly.

We walked out to my car and I buckled Alaya in and then got in and drove to the studio where the meeting was.

When we got there, I grabbed my bag and Laylay and we went inside. "Hey Demi! How are you?" Scooter asked me.

"I'm good! Tired, but good." I said laughing as we walked into the meeting room.

We sat at a rectangular table, and I had Alaya on my lap. "Okay so the album comes out next week! The day before beautiful Alaya's birthday!" Marcus, a guy on the team, said and Alaya shyly cuddles into me.

"Yeah! I'm so excited!" I said as I held her with one arm and my other hand rested on my stomach.

"We need you to do some press. In 2 days you have Ellen, 3 days you have Corden, and in 4 you have Fallon." Scooter said and I felt a bit of pressure on me.

"Umm okay. Anything else before it's released?" I asked and they shook their heads. "We don't want you to be too overwhelmed. We just need you to get some done. After it's released we need to talk about tour." Marcus said.

"What happened to me not getting too overwhelmed? Tour is way more stressful than some interviews. I've been on what, 8 tours?" I asked knowing I would be end of second trimester by tour ends at least.

"Demi, we need the publicity. You haven't been topping the charts, and tour will help with that." Marcus said.

"I'll be pretty pregnant by then, and I have a 3 year old. I'm not 23 anymore. I can't just pack up my shit and leave the next day. I don't want Alaya to have to go on tour with the early mornings and late nights, but I also don't want to be away from her." I said feeling frustrated since it didn't feel like I even had an option.

"Look Demi, you have done shows when you were extremely ill, and when you had broken body parts. We all think that you could do it pregnant. Plus Nick will make sure Alaya comes to see you frequently, you know that." Scooter brought up.

I put Alaya on the ground where she sat and played with some toys. "And what about my boyfriend? And my sister who is about to give birth?" I questioned. They seemed stumped, but I knew they weren't going to take no for an answer.

"We will give you time to think about it. Don't forget Ellen, Jordan has it in your schedule. And same with all the others. She will be there to help you and stuff." Scooter said as he stood up and walked out of the room.

I stood up, picked up Alaya, and walked out of that room as fast as humanly possible while holding an almost 3 year old and being pregnant.

I put Alaya in her car seat and got in. Both of my fists hit the wheel as I let out a frustrated yell. I started crying and thinking about how hard your would be.

Would I be able to do it? Would Alaya be okay? Would Nick be mad? Would Mike come with? Would Mike be upset? So many questions running through my mind and absolutely no one to answer them.
Hey everyone! I'm so sorry for the lack of updates in all my stories. I'm not home right now. I've been with my sister since she is getting married in two days, and there is still SO MUCH to do. I love you all!
Stay Strong❤️

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