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"Alaya please?" I begged the 3 year old who was refusing to eat her breakfast.

"No!" She yelled at me and threw her plate on the floor.

It's like one day she is an angel and the next, the devils spawn. I had a feeling it was because a lot had been changing in her life recently.

I picked her up and brought her to her room. "How about we eat a banana on the way to Mommy's doctor?"

She stubbornly uncrossed her arms and nodded. "Do you wanna match with me baby?" I asked and that changed her mood instantly.

She ran to her closet and grabbed one of the dresses she knew I had. She brought it over to me and I helped her put it on.

Then we went to my room where we finished getting ready. We took a quick picture before driving to the appointment.

As we were waiting I sent it to Nick, who left me on read. But soon I got a notification that he posted a picture.

nickjonas: damn all these beautiful girls💗 (and little man lol)

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nickjonas: damn all these beautiful girls💗 (and little man lol)

When I saw that I almost cried. I would be so fucking lost without him. And the way he talks about our daughter and my son, is the sweetest thing ever.

Alaya and I got out of the car and walked into the doctors office. I walked up to the desk, Alaya holding my hand shyly. 

"Hi, I'm here for my appointment. My name is Demetria Lovato, I have an ultrasound scheduled with Dr. Montgomery." I told the nurse and they typed it into the computer.

"Dr. Montgomery will come get you soon. While you wait you can have a seat." We went and sat down and I went through my phone while Alaya played with some of the toys.

I came across a picture of her when she was one. She was so small! She still has the piercing blue eyes, and I will always be confused why. I mean Nick and I both have brown hair and brown eyes.

ddlovato: where the fuck did my baby go!? how is she freaking 3!?

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ddlovato: where the fuck did my baby go!? how is she freaking 3!?

"Demetria Lovato?" Dr. Montgomery said, calling out for me and I followed her.

She led me down the hallway to a scale. Alaya had been with me before so she knew to just stay there while I got weighed and my blood pressure checked.

"Demi your blood pressure is higher than I would like. Try to keep an eye on how much stress you are under and please modify when you need to." She said and I nodded my head and we walked back to a room.

"Okay here is your sheet just get up on the table and I will be right back!" I did as I was told and sat down. I  lifted my dress covering my bottom half covered with the sheet where Alaya wanted to sit.

"Mama in tired." She said and I could already tell before she said anything.

"I know baby. We are going to Nana's house after this so you can take a nap there okay my love?" She nodded and Dr. Montgomery walked back in.

"Miss Alaya, have you been helping your Mama?" She asked and Alaya proudly nodded making my giggle.

She put the jell on my abdomen and I looked at the monitor eager to see my baby. The sound of a heartbeat filled the room.

"He is looking great! He is even measuring ahead of schedule." She told me.

"How big is he measuring?" I asked happy that he is healthy.

"I'd say more like 32 than 30 weeks!" I was honestly shocked.

"That's amazing! So if anything were to happen, he would be more likely to be okay?" I asked, my anxiety getting the better of me.

"He would be viable considering his organs are closer to being completely developed. But let's still hope he stays a while longer."

I carefully took my sleeping daughter out of her carseat and walled up to my parents house. I was honestly so glad we were here because I felt like shit.

I opened the door and told Bella and Chloe to be quiet since they were barking a little. I went up to my old room and laid her down, covering her with the blankets.

I left and quietly shut the door, walked downstairs, and sat on the couch with my mom. "Hey Mama." I said and I rested back a bit.

"Hey sweetie. Are you okay?" She asked me.

"Yeah. Just sore and tired, kinda feeling ready for him to be out." I laughed slightly but winced in pain.

"Honey you look a little pale. What hurts?" She scooched closer to me, worried.

"Its just my back. I'll be fine. Do you have any snacks?" I asked feeling a little nauseous from the lack of nutrients in my body.

"Yeah I'll go get you some." She gave me a kiss on the too of my head before walking to the kitchen.

My phone rang so I picked it up, curious who was calling me at 5 pm on a Sunday.


"Hey, there is an evacuation going on. There is a fire only half a mile from the house. I'm loading up as much as I can and I will head to your parents since its farther from the fires." Nick said to me and I instantly panicked.

"Nick what do you mean? Everything I have is there, I need to get Ella and Batman! I'm coming to help you." I said and hung up knowing he would try to fight me on it.

"Mom I'm running back to the house! Please watch Alaya, I love you!" I yelled and grabbed my keys and left.

As soon as I got there, I got out and hurried inside. The smoke was crazy. Nick was right inside.

"Demi get back in the car now! The fire is in the backyard! Go now!" Nick freaked out at me.

"No! This house is all I have of Mike! All I have for our family is here! Fuck!" I started crying and ran to the nursery, Nick right after me.

We grabbed the hospital bag, some of the baby's stuff, then got some of Alaya's before hurrying to get some of our stuff.

"Demi there is smoke in the house you have to go!" Nick said. I was feeling sick so I grabbed the dogs and got into the car.

I was panicking and crying waiting for Nick. He was supposed to hurry out. I saw the fire come around the side of the house, burning everything.

I got out of the car crying and hearing sirens. "Nick! Nick please! You have to come out!" I was screaming and my voice cracking.

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