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I watched Dallas take a nap, the epidural causing her pain to go away and exhaustion take over. I had tried to sleep.

But I couldn't. Every time I close my eyes I see him. It's like he never died. And life was okay again.

The thing is... I couldn't stand having to wake up and feel the pain all over again. Realize he is gone.

I felt our boy move around inside me, and I just wished he could have felt it too. I hoped that our son looked like Mike.

But I am also scared that seeing his face everyday will hurt worse.

I needed a distraction from everything and so I went on my phone. There was headline after headline about him. And some about me.

Mike Johnson In Tragic Car Accident

Demi Lovato, Pregnant Girlfriend Of Mike Johnson, Seen Rushing into the Hospital After News about His Accident.

I was so tired of seeing rumors about him. And that he was still alive. I made a bold decision.

ddlovato: Mike was one of the most perfect people that I have ever met

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ddlovato: Mike was one of the most perfect people that I have ever met. Kind, Strong, Stubborn as hell. And I loved him with my whole heart. He loved me with his. Even more than that he loved Alaya. And he loved our son. Going through life without him by my side... I'm not sure how I will do it. But I will. And he will be watching over us. I love and miss you baby. Rest In Peace💔

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I was crying by the time I had finished writing the caption and posted it. I put my hand over my mouth to keep quiet and not wake Dallas.

I managed to calm myself down. It just all didn't feel real. It felt like any minute, I would wake up with his arms wrapped around me in our bed.

"Demi, honey. How long have you been here?" My mom asked quietly as she and Eddie came into the room.

"What time is it?" I asked tiredly. Eddie looked at his watch and back up at me.

"1 AM. You need to go home. Sweetheart you have been through enough, Dallas will understand." He said and I shook my head as I readjusted in the chair.

"No I'm okay. I promised her I would be here. I'm not gonna get any sleep at home either so it would be useless." I said and my mom came over and sat by me.

"How are you feeling? We saw your post right before we got here. Dallas texted us before she fell asleep so we hurried as fast as we could over." She asked me.

"I'm fine. Ya know the love of my life just died and left me to be a single mom of 2 children but... I'm fine. I'm always fine." I said and instantly regretted it after. " I'm so sorry I-"

She engulfed me in a hug and I started softly crying again. "I don't know how to do this Mama. I'm not strong enough."

"You are more than strong enough. And we will all be by your side. Okay?" She asked me and I nodded and wiped my tears.

I've done enough crying today. No more. I'm serious Demetria that's enough. You are acting like a baby.

"Hey D, I got you some- oh hey Dianna, Hello Eddie." Nick said as he walked in and came over to me.

"Hi Nick. I'm so sorry about Mike. I know he was your friend." Eddie said and Nick smiled and nodded his head.

"So I got you a club sandwich with extra pickles but on the side since I know you hate the texture of them on the sandwich." He said and handed me the tray.

"Thanks Nick. But I'm not really hungry." I said and my parents looked at me. "I'm not fucking starving myself god. I will eat if it will make you stop staring at me like I'm broken." I snapped.

I leaned into Nick and ate half of the sandwich, and forced him to eat the other. I happily ate the pickles on my own.

Well not happily. You can't do that if you aren't happy.

Dallas started to wake up, and she looked over at me. "Hey Sissy, did you get any sleep?"

"No but it's fine. You did cuz you had drugs, I didn't because I didn't." I said laughing and she smiled slightly before giggling.

A doctor came in and started checking her vitals. Nick was staring off into space so I elbowed him to see what he was thinking about.

"Oh sorry. All of this is reminding me of when Laya was born." He said smiling. I snuggled into him, he had always been a safe place for me.

I put my hands on my belly thinking about the delivery of this baby. How Mike wouldn't be there. But if Dallas could do it without a baby daddy I knew I could too.

The doctor said she was 9 and a half centimeters dilated so it wouldn't be much longer until it was time.

The epidural was making her shake, and I also knew she was scared. I moved my seat over to the side of her bed and held her hand.

"I-I'm scared." She said shakily, because of the medicine running through her veins.

"Hey it'll be okay. If I could do it without drugs, I know you are strong enough to do it with drugs. You have always been stronger than me. And in a short amount of time, that sweet boy will be in your arms and you will for get everything else in the world. He is all that will matter." I told her and she wiped the tears that had fallen because of my little speech.

"Th-thank you f-for being here. I don't know how I would do it without you." She said and I smiled.

"You would do it for me. And I hope you will." I said and she happily nodded.
Okayyy I know and I'm sorry. I had to have something happen, so yeah. Tell me what you think!! I love you all.
Stay Strong ❤️

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