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"Demi we need to talk. It's important." Phil said.

Thoughts were racing through my mind, not being able to focus on what was happening.

"W-What's going on?" I asked anxiously. He got a phone call and held up his finger before walking away.

I started struggling to breath and ai was shaking like crazy. What the fuck was going on? I knew what was happening to me, but why?

"Dems you need to calm down baby. Just breath with me." Mike said and put my hand on his chest. I tried to match my shaky, unsteady breath to his. A minute or two later I was calmed down and cuddled into him on the couch.

Phil walked back in and looked at me. "Your Dad is in the hospital. They suspect an overdose, but I think we need to get there soon." He explained to me. I knew he didn't mean Eddie, he meant Patrick.

I haven't talked to him in YEARS. I honestly feel like this could be my fault for not trying to help him more. Mike looked at me confused because we haven't really talked about my dad and what he used to do to me.

"Which one is he at?" I asked him and he told me the name. I looked over at Nick, since he knew what was going on. "Can you take Alaya home? I'll probably be home later tonight." I asked and he nodded

We said our goodbyes before they left and Mike and I got in the car to go to the hospital. The way there was silent but before we went inside I looked over at him.

"I need to tell you about my dad. He is my biological father. He is an addict and alcoholic and we had to leave him when I was younger because of how abusive he got. I haven't seen him or talked to him in a long ass time because I still hold that resentment." I explained to him.

"I'm so sorry D. But I'm right by your side okay?" He asked me. I nodded and we had a long hug before we went inside.

Of course paparazzi somehow got hold of the information so they were asking me questions and taking millions of pictures of me looking like a mess.

When we got inside, I went up to the counter. "What room is Patrick Lovato in?" I asked the nurse. He looked it up and found the info. "Looks like he is in room 315. What is your relation to him, since it's the ICU?" He asked me.

"Ummm I'm his daughter." I said. He nodded, typed it in, and then opened the doors for us to go inside the Intensive Care Unit.

We got to his room and I took a deep breath before walking in, holding Mike's hand. He was attached to a few wires but was talking to my older sister Amber.

"Oh, Hey Demi." She said to me. She had never liked me so her being here made the situation even more awkward.

"Hey Amber. Babe this is Amber my sister, and Amber this is Mike my boyfriend." I said they smiled awkwardly at eachother.

"Demi babygirl... it's been so long." My dad said in a weak voice. Hearing him call me that brought back very unwanted memories.

"Dad. It has been. But there is a reason for that." I said sitting on a chair next to the bed.

"I know. My baby is a popstar! Just like I knew you always would be." He said and I almost rolled my eyes.

"That and because of your actions. What you did to me, mom, and Dallas." I said and he sighed and looked at his hands.

"They lies to you. I didn't overdose. I have stage 4 lung cancer. I lied to Phil, so you would come." He said and I stood up.

He knew I would come because I would feel guilty. I cannot believe him.

"Really Dad!? It's Christmas Eve! I should be at home with my daughter not with the man who used to beat me!" I angrily said to him.

"Could you bring her? I want to see her before I die." He tried to guilt trip me. I took a deep breath before continuing.

"No. I need to protect her. You can see pictures." I said as I pulled out my phone and showed him a few pictures.

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"She looks just like you and Nick

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"She looks just like you and Nick." He said and I smiled looking at her. She was my sunshine in the darkest days.

"Yeah she does. I just wish you could have met her. I'm sorry. But I need to get back." I said as I gathered my things.

"Dallas came and saw me. She told me some great news! I'm gonna be a grandpa again! Please tell your mom I am sorry." He said to me.

How does he always do this. He makes me feel a little better just to get something from me.

"I'll try, but it's a hard topic. She cries when you get brought up." I told him and instantly felt guilty after. "I wish you the best." I said as I took Mikes hand and we walked out.

When we got our to the car I looked over at Mike. I couldn't help but break down, so he scooped me up and cuddled me.

Playing with my hair and kissing my face he said, "I am so proud of you baby. I love you." Hearing those three words instantly made me stop crying and look up at him.

"Oh my god! I love you too! I love you and that scares the fuck out of me!" I said and he chuckled before kissing me.

Max dropped us off and we went inside. I checked the time and realized it was 30 minutes past Alaya's bedtime. I sighed and looked around, seeing her cuddling Nick on the couch in her Christmas pajamas.

I walked over and smiled but was confused. "She wanted to wait for Mommy and make sure she was okay, but fell asleep." Nick explained to me, causing me to smile.

I took her from him, and went upstairs. She woke up a little bit and sleepily smiled at me. "Mommy... you otay?" I smiled down at her and nodded. "Yes baby, I'm okay."

I tucked her in and she instantly fell back asleep. Now it was time for us to prep for Santa!

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