425. A Chance At Friendship

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The full glowing white heart turned into a sparkly, wispy stream of magic that began to circle the two of them, slowly pushing them closer together. "I think you two need to hug out your differences..." Sunset mentioned. Rainbow was a little reluctant to the hugging. "The magic knows best..." Rainbow thought, hesitantly holding her arms out for a hug. What she didn't expect, was for Kitty to IMMEDIATELY run into her arms and hug her tightly. Her eyes widened, and somehow by instinct, she smiled and hugged back.


"NOO! DON'T HUG THIS BITCH!" Dashnight fussed. "Oh shut it, will ya?! The poor woman needs a chance to have friends! Look at how miserable she is!" Dashlight argued. ",I don't sound like that AT all..." Rainbow thought. "That's the point. I'm the SMART version of you. Which means I talk differently, and I sometimes make you talk differently in real life, you idiot. Dashnight is alot more like you...you. Dashnight is the you that you show off the most to everyone around you. I thought you'd get this by now. Anyway, continue to hug, until the magic aura goes away." Dashlight said angrily.


Rainbow scoffed and hugged onto Kitty Preen. When the magic went away, and the Rainbooms detransformed, they were getting ready to leave, and Kitty grabbed Rainbow's hand. Everyone stopped when they realized Rainbow had stayed back, and went back. "Can I...ask a favor? If you guys are okay with it?" Kitty asked. "Uh...okay! What are friends for?" Rainbow said kinda skeptically. The others just gave confused looks.


"I really hope you're okay with this, but, I'd like you to allow me to try and rebuild my friendship with Blaze again? I promise no funny business! I just miss being his friend like when we were little..." She asked sadly. Blaze exhaled slowly. "You know, I'd be okay with that....my trust issues are....a little on the brink, but I'll give it a shot. But the one you should REALLY ask..." Rainbow said, pulling Blaze in front of her. "Is the one you wanna befriend again." Rainbow said with a scoff. "Uh..." Blaze said, looking down at Kitty Preen.


"I understand if you don't want to after what I did to you. In fact, it would be completely fair. But I would like you to possibly give me a chance. At friendship, this time...." Kitty said to him with pleading eyes. He clenched his teeth, but decided to have mercy on her and accept the offer. Kitty immediately hugged him when he nodded his head, and he froze stone cold. She quickly realized she intruded into his personal space and jumped back holding her hands up and apologizing. He chuckled and forgave her quickly.


"We'll work on that, alright?" He said with more laughing. Kitty smiled and blushed happily. "Wait, so does this mean I'll be able to come over to your house again!?" Kityy asked with excitement. "Uh...probably not. Dash's house? More than likely..." Blaze said. Kitty gasped with another big smile. "OH MY GOD!! THEN I CAN MEET YOUR KIDS!!" She squealed. Rainbow's face went dead.


"Uh...that's if THEY wanna meet YOU. Travis...HE'S a sassy batsard, but I love him. Tyler clings to me, so if anything, he'll be afraid of you. And Louie...he's...just...be wary of him. He's devious and likes to annoy people. But I love all my kids and protect them with my life if I have to." Rainbow said. "I'd love to meet them!" Kitty said anyway. "Hm...hopefully we'll get to that!" Rainbow said putting a hand on her shoulder.


Rainbow felt a slight tap on her own, and turned to see a suddenly distressed Sunset. "Uh, speaking of Louie...." She started. "What's wrong with Louie? What the hell did he do?!" Rainbow asked in a sudden panic.


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