457. Dusky Is A Vampire

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*Ahem* Uh, on that note, thank you very much OnaylieAcosta for yet another amazing art piece. This might just be my new background, after I color it in ibispaint >:3 💗💗💗

*I apologize greatly for my cringey behavior. I'd like you to know, that I am currently beating myself in the head for that e-e*




"Well, as my sons were changing her today, one of them noticed every point canine teeth in her mouth. I looked and saw only sharp canine teeth on her top and bottom set of teeth. Blaze isn't a vampire, but I am. Is it possible that Dusky is part vampire?" Rainbow asked worriedly. Cameron got down on one knee, and looked at Dusky. "I'm not an expert on babies, or baby vampires, but I'm always happy to learn something new." He said with a side smile. Dusky then yawned, and opened her eyes. "Hi honey!" Rainbow said to her.


"Do you mind if I examine her and her behaviors for a bit?" Cameron asked. "Do whatever you need to do so I can get the answers that I need." Rainbow said quickly, nodding her head vigorously. Cameron looked in Dusky's mouth as she yawned, and like Rainbow had said, he saw pointy canine teeth, just like his and Rainbow's. He examined Dusky's ears, and noticed how pointy they were. "Hmm..." He hummed. "What? What is it?" Rainbow asked is a slight panic.


"This cutie seemed to have inherited every single attribute of your vampire DNA. Most would think she's only half vampire, but from what I see, she's a full blown baby vampire." Cameron said, standing up again. "So she's a vampire?! Like me?!" Rainbow asked. Cameron winced a little. "I can't tell whether you are happy to find this out, or upset..." Cameron said. "I...I don't know how to feel." Rainbow said, discreetly looking at Dusky. She sat Dusky on the ottoman, and sighed. "I....I need a minute. Can you watch her?" Rainbow asked. "Uh...I--"


"Thanks Cam! You're the best! Brb!" Raimbow said stepping outside. His eye twitched, and he looked to his side as the smiling baby. "H-Hello.....Dusky...." He stammered, looking directly at her now. He read her mind unintentionally, but when he did, she said hi back. His eyes widened. "Wait...you're able to talk...at 4 weeks old?!" He asked in shock. "You jackass. You act like us babies don't have thoughts as well. I may not be able to talk properly just yet, but my brain works flawlessly. Unlike yours, apparently." Dusky said to him. His eye rapidly twitched.


"Y-y-you...you just.....you just INSULTED ME!!" He panicked. "That depends. Are you also too dumb to recognize what the fuck an insult is?" Dusky asked. His jaw dropped, and he was speechless. "Listen, buddy. I didn't ask to come here with my mother, but I need you to get one thing straight: I know that you like my mom, and that's cool. You can admire her from a distance. But what you're NOT gonna do, is take her away from my dad, GOT IT?" She asked him, furrowing her brows.


"I really can't help but feel that this is some terrible nightmare. First of all, me and your mother had a DEAL! And this was all before your vampire self was born. We will continue with our deal, and if you don't like it, oh well. I'm not taking her away from Blaze. In fact, I was the one who reunited her with your father after he seriously hurt her! You can ask Rainbow Dash about it when your older and on your own time, but right now this is all MY time, and this is all true. For now, stay a damn baby, and mind your fucking business. Got it?" Cameron snapped back.


He then slapped his forehead, and dragged his lower lids down his cheeks. "Am I really arguing with a baby?" He thought to himself. "Yes. Yes you are. Good job." Ella encouraged.


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