444. Too Horny

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A/N: More artwork, but this time, can we all give a huge thank you to not just our amazingly talented OnaylieAcosta, but also another amazing reader, by the name of Fiodash?! LIKE THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH! THIS PICTURE FITS THIS CHAPTER MORE THAN YOU FUCKING KNOW!! THANK YOUUU!! His face is absolutely priceless!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Also, slightly sexual chapter. Not much goin on here, so it's not too sexual. :)




"Perfect timing.....the moment the fucking thought comes to mind....the girl gets horny immediately. At this point, I don't think I'll be all there when it comes time to take care of the baby, like damn! Can I get a break?! No. No I can't. She needs me. More than anyone else in my life. If I'm gone, both her and my daughter would be as well....eventually. Goddamit, Dash! WHY DO YOU HAVE YOU BE SO SEXILY INTIMIDATING WHEN YOUR PREGNANT! WAIT...WTF AM I THINKING?! SHE'S SEXILY INTIMIDATING WHEN SHE'S NOT PREGANT! AGGGGGGHHH!" He angrily thought and she continued to nibble him, and she even managed to rest her hand inside of his boxers without him noticing immediately.


She hummed an evil chuckle, squeezing him tighter until he noticed. "Oh...good god...a little horny now, are we?" Blaze asked, looking down at her with a mischievous grin. "I can't keep this up. I am really NOT in ths mood for anything sexual right now...although my dick says otherwise. Goddamit, Dash!" He had a mini panick attack in his brain, as he tried to keep up with her emotional switches. "Hm...it seems you might be too..." She said with a smirk.


"Don't fuss with her, just agree...Don't fuss with her, just agree...don't fuss with her, just agree...DON'T FUSS WITH HER, JUST AGREE!!" The words of his father once again played in his mind, as Rainbow climbed onto his lap. "BUT I DON'T WANNA AGREE! I REALLY...REALLY, REEEEALLY DON'T WANNA HAVE SEX RIGHT NOW! IT'S TOO EARLY IN THE FUCKING MORNING FOR THIS SHIT! BUT IF I DON'T AGREE, SHE COULD HAVE ANOTHER MENTAL BREAKDOWN! LIKE DAMN! I KNOW MY DICK IS GOOD, BUT I DIDN'T THINK IT WAS THAT GOOD!! GODDAMIT DASH!!" His panicking got worse.


This was only because she had gotten on her knees, and gripped onto his belt. "Fuck. On the bright side....if I do agree, I can get rid of this boner within minutes. If I don't agree...she might go ballistic. I really have no choice here if I wanna keep my life. And I like my life...I'll just--" His thoughts suddenly stopped when he felt her lips touch his waist, telling him that she had started deep throating. "Holy....fuckin....shit. I think this may be....the...best outcome...of your mood swings....AGH!" He moaned as he came, and slumped back into the couch.


"Look, Blaze, I would have loved to do more, but the baby already has me out of breath, so I don't think I'd even survive with all that, so...I hope you appreciate this..." She said, happily kissing him. He hummed a yes, hoping she would get off of him sooner rather than later. Luckily, she sat down next to him normally again soon after. Blaze's phone rang, and when he answered it, he jumped up quickly. "Are you okay?" Rainbow asked.


"Yes! And I just remembered that I booked something for us! You, need to sit here, while I get the kids, alright?" Blaze said excitedly, running up the steps. "What....the....hell?!!" She asked herself, standing up anyway. She went outside to the car, since she assumed they were going somewhere away from the house. "I should probably ask Cameron, why I wasn't hungry anymore after giving Blaze and blowjob...." She said aloud, sitting in the passenger seat.


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