433. 2 Week Break

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After the awkward moments, Blaze and Rainbow were pronounced as husband and wife, and Rainbow grabbed his face and kissed him as widely as she did when they were separated for two days. Rarity took a million photos as always, and decided to send Rainbow the perfect one later. After the reception, Blaze took Rainbow back to her house so she could get the bag she was packing. "Shit! I didn't even finish!" She exclaimed, stomping her foot. "It's alright! I'll just help you. My bag is already in the car." Blaze chuckled.


She ran upstairs quickly, and headed over to her closet. "You think I'll need my gun?" She asked him. "Well, were not gonna be around anyone you don't like, so no." He said. He couldn't stop looking at her in that dress. She grabbed a smaller bag that seemed to have some clothes in it, but he couldn't be sure. "Damn I am loving that dress. You really wanted a grand entrance, did you? My sexy ass wife." He laughed. "Hell yeah I did! This dress was designed to make you 100x more horny that usual, and I can see that it worked..." She said with a smirk, kissing him.


"Now that we're married, I can't lose you as easily, can I?" He asked. "Nope! I'm stuck to you like super glue now!" Rainbow laughed. She zipped up her suitcase, and after putting it on the floor, she looked at it and sighed. There was some silence, before she randomly hugged onto Blaze. "Oh! You okay?" He asked. "Mhm...just....happy." She said. He could tell she didn't wanna let go, so he hugged back with a smile. After the sentiment, he put her bag in his car, and started driving off. Once they were on the open road, she spoke up.


"Where are we going?" She asked. To take a break from everything. My treat to you. To the both of us actually. We've both been through alot for the past two months, and we need a well deserved break." He said. She rested her elbow on the door, and smirked when she felt a hand on her leg. "This drive could take a while, so you can fall asleep. I'll wake you up when we get there." He said sweetly. She wasn't sleepy yet, so she hopped onto her phone, where she had a text from Cloudia.


"Congratulations, honey! I know you're going to be the best daughter-in-law ever!" She sent some other love emojis too. "Thanks! Blaze is taking me away somewhere...and hasn't told me where just yet..." Rainbow replied. "I know you two are going to have alot of fun!" Cloudia replied. Rainbow sent a smiley face, and went to one of her phone games, falling asleep shortly after. Blaze had the endurance to stay awake for the last 3 hours, and seemed to have endless energy.


She woke up in the last half hour of the drive, and he pulled up to a very fancy resort. "Ready for our two week break?" Blaze asked her happily. "More than you know. I guess I do need this." She scoffed. "You wanna know what I need?" He asked discreetly. "What's that?" She asked. "I need you..." He said with a smirk, leaning over in his seat to kiss her wildly. She laughed and kissed back. After a minute of this, she had to push him off. "Ha! Maybe in the car isn't a comfortable place to do this, Blaze." She suggested.


"You're right. But I'll have you know that the first chance I get, I'm dragging you into a bed." He said with a mischievous laugh, and she laughed with him. They took their bags to the reserved room, and Rainbow was speechless. She ran around the place, looking around. The view of the beach was amazing, and so was the bathroom. The bedroom looked like it was bought with gold, and there was a walk in closet. "Blaze this is totally awesome! How did you--" Before she could ask anything, his mouth was already on hers.


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